Essay Sample on Sport

📌Category: Sports
📌Words: 1113
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 02 February 2022

What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word sports?  Some think about their favorite team while others think about their favorite one to play as a hobby. Any sport can be put into one of two categories: contact and non-contact. Contact sports would include football, wrestling, and basketball all sports that require physical contact between the players.  While non-contact sports would include golf, swimming, and running all sports that should have no way of possible contact between the players.  Typically, people will choose a sport; an athlete or not, based on how much physical activity they may want and what their goal is for participating in the sport itself is.  While considering the physical demands and goals for participating in any sport is important; a player must also consider the mental demands, commitment, and potential negative impacts such as injuries would be while participating in a sport when deciding which is right for them and how they will be successful in accomplishing their goals.

To begin with, any sport is going to be physical; whether it be a contact or non-contact sport.  The physical demands on the body could be the same for both and athletes/players need to keep physically fit. How an athlete/player chooses to train can be a personal choice; as some, may weightlift for cardio while others may run and some may even do ballet. While some athletes/players may also take into consideration the aggressiveness of the sport when deciding how to train. Regardless,  incredible strength and endurance is needed for any sport making training a must for any athlete/player. However, this could also be different due to the way in which that sport is performed.  Contact sports; such as basketball or football, require more than one player, obviously.  Therefore, one would not be able to practice without other players; whereas a non-contact sport; such as swimming or golf, do not require anyone but the player themselves to practice.  When choosing a sport to play one should decide how well they play with others (so to speak).

Equally important to any athlete/player when choosing a sport type should be the mental demands of the type of sport they chose. While any sport is going to have mental demands, many of those are going to be known to the athlete/players only.  As no one can know what is in someone else’s mind and there are mental demands for anything you choose to participate in.  An athlete/player must keep several of the same things in mind when participating in either a contact or non-contact sport; such as, how they are performing, are they prepared, how do they keep from getting hurt, would all be examples.  The key difference between a contact and non-contact sport is the mental demand of being on a team.  A contact sport; such as football or basketball, is going to have a certain number of players on the team and then a certain number of players allowed to be playing at any one time.  When deciding if a contact sport is right for any athlete/player they must decide if they can be a team player and not only think about the outcome for themselves but also their teammates.  Whereas, a non-contact sport; such as swimming or running, while can be associated with a team; doesn’t (by nature) have to be.  The athlete/player may only have to consider their individual results and how it would affect just them not along with a team.  A team mentality and a non-team mentality are two different things and have completely different mindsets at times. 

Additionally, both the physical and mental demands for both contact and non-contact sports can be tied to a  commitment of time and goals set forth by an athlete/player.  Both types of sports will require a commitment of time; whether it be by the athlete/player or a team.  A commitment of time to a contact sport may not only involve the athlete/player’s own time but also the time of others.  While a non-contact sport typically will only require the time of athlete/player.  When considering the commitment of time the athlete/players must also account for the time the sport will take away from other things such as work, school, or family life and what obligations they may have.  The commitment of time to training and practicing will have an impact on the athlete/player’s overall goals for participating in either sport and lack of time management can have negative effects regardless of what type of sport an athlete/player chooses.  Some athletes/players may only want to play a sport as a hobby, remain physically active, or for social interaction.  While other athletes/players may decide to set the goals higher. This is yet another difference between a contact and a non-contact sport.  Contact sports will have a social aspect; whereas, a non-contact sport will not and goals are adjusted based on this. An athlete/player also would have to consider the overall goal of the team for a contact sport; not just individual results as discussed in the mental demand.   Additionally, a contact sport will provide an athlete/player with a set schedule (typical with teams) in order to plan accordingly; whereas, a non-contact sport will require the athlete/player to motivate themselves to make time for training and practicing.  

It is important to realize, that while the physical and mental demands along with a commitment of time and goals are important, there can be negative impacts from both of these as well.  For both contact and non-contact sports injures are possible.  While the manner in which injuries can occur and types of injuries can be different; the negative impacts for both could be the same from requiring medical care for the athlete/player or the athlete/player not being able to participate in the sport at all.  Again, the biggest difference between contact and non-contact sports would be an athlete’s/player’s injury could affect a whole time; whereas, with a non-contact sport an athletes/players injury would only affect their individual. Another thing to consider, for both types of sports would be mental health.  We are currently seeing this with professional athletes/players who are taking more time for their mental health than ever and it is important for an athlete/player to do this regardless of which type of sport they choose. Not taking care of the mental demands can begin to affect the physical demands when it turns to burnout which can happen in both types of sports.  

As can be seen, sports can be incredibly beneficial to anyone; whether just for hobby or a true athlete/player, both physically and mentally.  But, choosing the right type of sport for one’s self is also incredibly important in achieving these benefits along with being successful with set goals.  Whether a contact or non-contact sport is chosen both will have physical and mental demands, along with time demands that could at times produce negative impacts and the choice really comes down to being part of something bigger as a whole or as an individual at times. 

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