Essay Sample on Success Through Adversity

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 287
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 August 2022

Adversity can lead people to choose success. Having difficulties can make individuals learn from their mistakes by growing their mindset. Decisions and endurance can help a person become successful in the face of overwhelming odds.

To begin with, adversity can guide people into deciding on what path they should take to succeed. For example, Jamira had a lot of difficulties in her life. But she chooses a path to better herself. As evidenced in the text, it says, "She was on a mission to empower others. She wanted to send a message you can escape a life of crime and poverty.". To summarize, choosing a different path that’s not facing poverty can lead to grit by having the mentality to learn and grow from failure. Choosing a route is a challenge that can result in others becoming accomplished.

Moreover, having challenges in the past will build endurance in individuals, causing others to not give up. Encountering problems from the past or present can be a way to develop mentally and physically. This is also a way to endure locus of control. In support of this it says, "You have to enjoy mastering challenges both mental and physical… they look at a challenge as an opportunity to improve themselves as a way to endure.". By all means, to enjoy succeeding in life, participants need to realize that overcoming obstacles is fundamental. Having odds can be a failure, but it is one that they can learn from. 

For reasons above, in the face of great difficulties, decisions and endurance can help a person find success. They have problems to solve, decisions to make, and so on. But they fight against it and manage to achieve and grow as people while still dealing with the trauma of their background. To summarize, decisions and endurance can help a person become successful in the face of overwhelming odds.

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