Essay Sample: Teens and The Addiction Towards Caffeine

đź“ŚCategory: Addiction, Health
đź“ŚWords: 385
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 18 June 2022

Drive, what drives you to be active in life? Unfortunately, some teenagers will sadly say caffeine. Teenagers have become extremely dependent on caffeine to the point where most can't function without it. But you know what's hilarious? If caffeine never existed they would be perfectly fine. I’m going to convince you that caffeine consumption in teens should have ceased to exist.  

“The students came to a sobering conclusion: Energy drinks can be fatal to everyone, but especially to adolescents.”(Sara Talpos) Energy drinks are one of the worst examples of caffeine and its “benefits”. Energy drinks are notorious for being filled with insane amounts of caffeine and sugar. Yet, it's targeted towards teens who end up consuming more than the recommended amount of 100mg for adults. Energy drinks like monsters have around 180 mg of caffeine. Why am I mentioning this? Well excess amounts of caffeine can cause insomnia, anxiety and so much more.

Hurry, what is your favorite thing to do? As a teenager myself I’d occasionally say sleep since I feel that I gain zero of it some days. That lack of sleep can be caused by caffeine. A quote from said, “Caffeine consumed in the afternoon or evening may disrupt a young person’s sleep”(Markham Heid)  Like a double sided sword caffeine causes you to have insomnia but you originally took it because of the insomnia, doesn't that sound incredibly broken?

Consequently, caffeine has extreme amounts of health disadvantages. You use caffeine to stay awake and be active. But it can make you have anxiety which can harm teens' school life. What’s even scarier is this quote from saying. “The American Journal of clinical nutrition concluded in March that six eight-ounce cups or more per day can increase risk of Cardiovascular disease by 22%.”(Jay Cannon) Do you really want a higher risk of Cardiovascular disease for some coffee? For reference, that's around 2 monsters which is easily done by teens these days. Even now many teens don't notice 2 monsters every day as a scary health risk. It's not their fault, in fact it's the Starbucks taking advantage of their obliviousness to make money.

All of this and so much more is why caffeine should have never existed to be marketed towards teens and consumed by them. It should be regulated for teens so this addiction is avoided. Caffeine can kill, hurt and make teens feel horrible. Now to my fellow teens out there, at the end of day is caffeine really worth it?

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