Essay Sample: Vaccines Save Lives

📌Category: Health, Vaccination
📌Words: 405
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 October 2022

The World Health Organization (WHO) says vaccines save lives. Vaccines save lives. Vaccines are weakened forms of a disease which prepares the body to fight the disease faster.  Over the years vaccines have been quite effective to prevent and protect people from harmful diseases. Vaccines reduce the number of deaths from a disease. According to   reliefweb” measles vaccines alone prevented 25.5 million deaths since 2000 and enormous progress towards the eradication of polio-which can cause lifelong paralysis and some death-which brought cases down by over 99% since 1988”. Vaccines do save lives but also help us to keep our loved ones around longer in our lives., allows people to participate in a selfless and humane act and the longer people survive with the use of vaccines aids in the development of the economy.

Vaccines help us keep our loved ones around longer in our lives. An individual needs loved ones to be alive for them to be motivated, loved, cared for, guided and encouraged in which vaccines allow that. These functions of loved ones is one of the reasons a person is mentally healthy. According to Debra O’Shea Psy.D PLLC Anxiety Specialist “With a good support system in place, we can flourish and reach our potential in whatever area we are striving for”. She further states a good support system reduces stress, improves self esteem and gives an individual a sense of belonging.

It also allows people to participate in a selfless and humane act. For example, some persons are not able to take the vaccines because of underlying conditions such as, cancer, heart conditions, HIV infection etc. Persons who are eligible can assist in protecting ill ones by taking the vaccine, this would make them immune to the disease which lessens the number of cases and the number of persons that can spread the disease.

The longer people survive with the use of vaccines aids in the development of the economy. What do you think would happen if persons died in large numbers? People are what makes Earth, Earth, a planet with intelligent species, humans. Humans developed the world we live in today, they created infrastructure, medicines, technology and a lot more. Vaccines wouldn’t have been available if it wasn’t for humans’ intellect. We depend on people to be alive whether it be for social, physical or emotional needs. Humans must be protected.

In conclusion vaccines save lives in various ways. Vaccines facilitate the protection of our loved ones, give an opportunity to be considerate of others and develop our economy. Vaccines are our guardian angel which we created for a lengthy and enjoyable life.

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