Essay Sample: Why Teens Should Have Their Own Room?

📌Category: Child development, Psychology
📌Words: 860
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 17 July 2022

Do you have your own room? I am going to talk about why teens should have their own room. The problem is that I have to share a room with my brother. My brother is 6 years younger than me. I’ll give you one example, just, so we are all on the same page. Picture this: a nice, dark, calm room, hearing the nice sound of birds chirping. Dreaming about being at the beach on an enormous boat. If I had my room, I could have these nice, wonderful moments. “And then…. Out of nowhere…. BANG! SMASH! CRASH! “Chris!!! Are you awake yet?” Kids should have their room because they need privacy and quiet. It is good for kids to have their own room because they can be more responsible. They also can have a good spot to do their homework or work on and a place to focus. The solution is that when Logan is old enough to share a room and sleep in a normal bed, he will share a room with Zach. Then I will finally have my own room. It is important for teens and older kids to have their own room. Kids need privacy and a place to do homework with no distraction and a good night's sleep.  

To begin, privacy is important for teens so  siblings do not touch their belongings, projects, school work, and they can't ruin anything if they were to touch something. It could take a long time to do it all over again. I can have my own room and privacy. I don't have to share things that are mine with Zach. Kids need to have privacy, so they don't have to worry about keeping their things safe. I want my own room  so I can have more privacy.for example, I have a Lego jeep that took a long time to build. If my little brother takes the jeep and plays with it could break. For teens, privacy is important for their school and their social life. It means they can have their own belongings and not have to worry about keeping them safe from the prying hands of younger, possibly destructive, siblings. “The desire for more privacy is a natural part of growing up. (“The Importance of a Child’s Bedroom Sanctuary”).           

Furthermore, I don't have to look at stars (night light projector) until I fall asleep so that I can fall asleep quicker and not need to look at the projector and can be more rested. If I'm not rested or did not get a good night's sleep, I could not do well the next day at school. (more rest makes you healthy) when kids get a good night's sleep, they can remember more. Sleep is really important because it makes your brain function, so if you don't sleep well, it can impact you. If people don’t get a good night's sleep, and they don’t get a good night's sleep, it can cause them to get sick. Sleep is important for teens that do sports because it gives them energy and strength. A lack of sleep could make it easier to get injured when you play sports. Not getting enough sleep can cause grades to drop. “Getting a good night’s sleep is incredibly important for your health. In fact, it’s just as important as eating a balanced, nutritious diet and exercising” (“10 Top Benefits of Getting More Sleep.”). “Also, lack of sleep may increase your risk of injury and lower your motivation to exercise” (“10 Top Benefits of Getting More Sleep.”).

Most importantly, a good quiet place with no distractions or anything that will distract you. The kids need to have someone to trust and be there to help when they need the help. A good place to do your homework is your room because there is nothing to distract you, like toys, games, or electronics. For example, when I get home, I need to put my phone on the kitchen counter until I'm done with my homework and it will not distract me. Then I go to my room and start my homework. The teens should not have any electronics unless they are using them for their homework. For example, a lot of schools use computers and that can be the only electronics they can have. “Help your child develop good homework habits. That means designating a regular location and time to work on daily assignments” (News, Desert). A The good way you can do daily assignments is by making a schedule.

Establishing a place where they know there's no fooling around, no games, and that this is my workspace — that sets the stage for getting to work rather than trying to work in the den with the television or in their room where their toys are.Parents can play a crucial role in helping teens handle these challenges and succeed in school by lending a little help, support, and guidance. (News, Desert)

 In conclusion, it is important for teens and older kids to have their own room. Kids need privacy and a place to do homework with no distractions and a good night's sleep. It's important because if you have a quiet place to work, you will get better grades and if you get a good night of sleep, you will do better in school. If I don't study, I might fail my class. If teens or athletes don't get goodnight's sleep, they can get kicked off the team. Your parents can help you make a schedule.

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