Experiment Essay Example: Cognitive Psychology Test

📌Category: Psychology
📌Words: 845
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 21 June 2022

Cognitive tests were developed by James McKeen Cattell, who created the phrase "mental tests." They were inspired by Francis Galton's creation of physical and physiological examinations. Cognitive tests are classified into several sorts. Each requires you to answer a series of questions and/or complete easy activities. They are intended to aid in the measurement of mental processes such as memory, language, and object recognition. Cognitive abilities are the abilities that your brain uses to think, listen, learn, comprehend, rationalise, question, and pay close attention.

Hypothesis and detailed predictions

There are eight types of psychological tests:Intelligence tests,Personality tests,Attitude tests,Achievement tests,Aptitude tests,Neuropsychological tests,Vocational tests,Direct observation tests. Aptitude tests imply that people have intrinsic talents and limitations, as well as a natural proclivity for success or failure in certain areas based on their basic qualities. I created an aptitude test with varying difficulty levels in a specific sequence. Each question led to another that related to the previous. The individuals were presented with 11 multiple choice questions and they were to be answered frankly. Every question had 5 different scenarios,each relating to each aspect of the quiz). In my hypothesis i would like to explain my experiment in more detail

Questions testing-scholarly, street smart, austerity,goodwill and sincerity intelligence were put together in one aptitude test. Whatever the subjects pick the most is the one that relates to them(personality wise) , I plan to ask the testers to state their own opinion on their aptitude result and then compare it to the final result. I will be picking 4 different people who I have been intrigued by in the past few months. I think these subjects will have varying personalities and it should be fascinating. In the experiment I shall be stating their age,name, initial aptitude result(the one they chose),my prediction of their result, and their final aptitude test results.

Post test and results

The experiment was successful, with little problems.

Subject 1: B. A., aged-15.

Subject’s initial response-:Scholarly intelligence(booksmart)

Experimenters(mine):about even mix of booksmart,streetsmart and austerity.

The test was conducted.

Subject 1 showed no hesitation in picking her options. Her choices were logical, in order and were picked in sequence, for similar questions(follow up questions) the subject picked the same aptitude option. Her results were clearly visible throughout the testing. Subject 1s test results are as follows: Strongest--streetsmart(courage, bravery, strength, intimidation, and fearlessness. ), second-- sincerity(selflessness to the point of forgetting themselves for the sake of others) tied with austerity(honesty and order), third-- booksmart( knowledge,intelligence, curiosity, and astuteness), followed by goodwill(peacefulness, kindness, forgiveness, trust, self-sufficiency, and neutrality)-- none of this option was chosen.

Subject 2: K. H., aged-15.

Subject's initial response: goodwill.


The test took place.

Subject 2 had a few bumps along the way. She could not make up her mind in a few situations. Subject 2 chose a variety of results which led to slightly difficult results. Nonetheless subject 2s result were conclusive and ended up with: strongest- fearless(courage, bravery, strength, intimidation, and streetsmart). , second- booksmart( knowledge, intelligence, curiosity, and astuteness), third- sincerity (selflessness to the point of forgetting themselves for the sake of others)and finally austerity(honesty and order) and goodwill (peacefulness, kindness, forgiveness, trust, self-sufficiency, and neutrality)were tied.

Subject 3: N. B., aged-16.

Subject’s initial response-: goodwill.

Experimenters(mine):austerity and fearless.

The test took place.

Subject 3’s test was the easiest to administer. She knew exactly what she wanted to pick and her answers were almost perfectly squenced. The only problem was launches - very different results. In the start, subject 3 stated that her aptitude test could conclude with goodwill, while i stated it would conclude with her - austerity or fearlessness. We both were wrong.Subject 3s test results are as follows: Strongest--sincerity(selflessness to the point of forgetting themselves for the sake of others), second-- fearless(courage, bravery, strength, intimidation, and fearlessness. ),austerity(honesty and order) and booksmart( knowledge, intelligence, curiosity, and astuteness) were tied third-- goodwill (peacefulness, kindness, forgiveness, trust, self-sufficiency, and neutrality). At last,we concluded her result as sincerity

Subject 4:A. R., aged-17.

Subject’s initial response-:sincerity.

Experimenters(mine):fearless/booksmart and goodwill.

The test took place.

Subject 4’s test was the most intriguing and engaging. His answers were thoughtful and pensive. During the test we hit quite a few rough spots with sequenced answers. Nearing the end I expected the answers to follow a particular series but they differed. Subject 4’s answers were not patterned but they were related. One scenario led to another. Eg: subject chose- A as the first answer but-C for the second one. A and C were not the same but they were correlated . I had not given any thought to this. Test results are as follows: Strongest--Fearless(courage, bravery, strength, intimidation, and fearlessness.),Booksmart( knowledge, intelligence, curiosity, and astuteness),Sincerity (selflessness to the point of forgetting themselves for the sake of others)and Goodwill (peacefulness, kindness, forgiveness, trust, self-sufficiency, and neutrality)were tied.Second– Austerity(one one answer for this was chosen. Austerity means truth and the subject answered the question honestly, but according to the results austerity should have been tied with sincerity since both of them are related to each other. I came to the decision that his results are Miscellaneous(tendency to diverge from the norm).


My test was 75% correct. Out of the 4 people tested I accurately found ¾ of them. In the future I would like to test more on subject 4 as I did not take into account this possible phenomena (inconclusive tests). My test was odd numbers to avoid any overall between aptitudes but somehow Subject 4 managed to get 3 out of the 5 choices equal. In the future I would like to look into the choices displayed in more detail and make the quiz longer.

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