Fake News Research Paper Example

đź“ŚCategory: Social Issues
đź“ŚWords: 312
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 18 April 2022

Fake News is false information that is broadcast or published as news for fraudulent or politically motivated purposes. That many people believe and fall for. Fake News started from the early 19th century where modern newspapers came to the scene. But now over the years,  fake news is spreading like a virus. According to the latest data from Pew Research, 71%of people get some of their news input from social media. Many people suggest that fake news is a problem.

As Fake News currently stands, 67% of Americans believe that fake news causes a great deal of confusion . (Statista). Fake News now is worse than ever, with people making controversial and misinformed articles about vaccines, trying to make people think that the covid vaccine will make them infertile. Fake News can be created by an individual or groups who are acting on their interests or those of third parties. 

The reason that I agree that fake news is a problem is that I know how easy it is for the people who make the fake news to steal content from otherwhere to change the title and make it look new, and advertise it to get as many people to see it and have an influence on people's political values. And as not everyone can detect fake news.

Some People believe that fake news is not a problem because they think that when they see an article even if it's believable, they aromatically think to search it up on google to see if it’s true. According to a recent study, they think that people are  Lazy, not biassed: Susceptibility to partisan fake news is better explained by lack of reasoning than by motivated reasoning. 

In conclusion, Fake News is a problem that causes great confusion. WIth articles that are controversial and misinformed.  Fake News, spreading like a virus, able to influence people’s political views, wanting as many people to click on it, and stealing content and trying to make it look like a brand new article.

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