Fear Research Paper Example

📌Category: Behavior, Psychology
📌Words: 509
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 April 2022

Have you ever been scared of a myth or a story you’ve heard? That is fear. Fear is an emotion that most, if not all people have experienced in their time of living. It can make you think and even act certain ways, some people have done very irrational things because they were afraid. Due to this being the case, some people choose to run away from fear and bottle it up. Today we will be diving into fear, the effects of fear, and other questions on the matter.

Firstly, let’s talk about any fears that are rather common among people. A common fear/Phobia would be a fear of spiders or Arachnophobia. Many people have this fear from a young age to even adulthood. Secondly, we have a fear of heights or acrophobia. This phobia for some people is so severe that climbing a simple ladder could pose difficulty.

Finally, we have a fear of the dark or nyctophobia; this phobia is common among children, though this doesn’t mean that adults also can't have it. Some people reading this may be guilty of having had or having one of these phobias.

Fear can cause you to act out in ways you may not expect, whether that be a severe concern or depression. There are disorders based around fear; these are called anxiety disorders, essentially they’re mental disorders where you worry/fear so much that it affects your daily activities. There are also panic attacks, which are an episode of anxiety and fear so intense that it causes actual physical sensations of fear like a racing heartbeat, trembling, dizziness, etc. As you can see, fear can be a perilous thing if you can’t control or manage it well. Which brings us to our next topic, controlling, and facing fears on your own.

Conquering your fears is in no way easy, for some people; it takes months or even years just to get over a traumatic event that may have caused their fear. One effective method is actually facing said fears; you must look at them and convince yourself that it does not scare you, which can be chilling in itself. This isn’t the only way, of course, you could talk about it to others or try to think of a happy place; there are many ways you can go about it. For every method, though, you must be courageous enough to begin. Some people bottle up their fears and tuck it behind their heads; you must be courageous enough to confront your fears and conquer them. Again, conquering fears is not easy, but if you take that leap of faith and go through with it, it’ll be worth it.

Fear is a common, yet complex emotion that can in many ways, be dangerous to both others and oneself. Whether it be a small, simple fear like a child being afraid of the dark, or a fear that leads someone to harm both mentally and physically. This is why you must control and eventually conquer your fears in order to move forward. You can also lend a helping hand and try helping others overcome their fears so they can also move on. If you can accomplish that, you can accomplish many other things you may have thought were out of your league.

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