Free Scholarship Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Scholarship
📌Words: 428
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 September 2022

From playing doctor as a child to asking for a suture kit for Christmas, I’ve always been interested in medicine. I’ve since explored this passion and know nursing is the career path for me. I’ve set many goals and done lots of research to aid me in making this happen. I would appreciate any help in making this dream a reality.  

I have chosen to attend Ohio Northern University next fall as a nursing major. It is a small program that will allow me many hands-on experiences. I choose nursing as it will allow me to interact with patients frequently. Listening to them, answering their questions, and taking the time to show I care, I will be able to directly impact the lives of these patients. Eventually, I plan to pursue further education to become a pediatric nurse practitioner, as I have always loved working with kids. I have taken a few medical classes in my senior year and attended a nursing camp last summer at Cedarville University to ensure my decision to go into nursing. I know this is what I want for my future.  

My biggest goal is to become a pediatric nurse practitioner, and I have set many goals to help me get there. My short-term goals include going off to college, getting a job, and doing well in my classes. My longer-term goals include passing the NCLEX exam, graduating from college, and finding a good nursing placement. I plan to work as an RN for a few years before I pursue further education, as this will give me workplace experience vital for nurse practitioners. All these goals will help me achieve this big goal.  

I have many strengths that are beneficial to nursing. I am compassionate, responsible, and determined. I always try to take care of and help others when they need it and people trust me to do so. If I want something, I will make sure it happens despite any potential challenges and setbacks. I always work hard at everything I do. These strengths will not only help me get to where I want to be but also thrive in the healthcare world once I’m there.  

I feel I am deserving of a scholarship as I have a very strong work ethic. I have no doubt about going into nursing as I will do everything I can to make sure it works out. I am very passionate about helping others and want to make a difference in this world, nursing will allow me to do that. I am very dedicated and have worked hard to get to where I am, always making sure I'm ready for any challenge. A scholarship would help this dream become a reality.

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