Harrison Bergeron Equality Essay Sample

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 428
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 12 June 2022

Have you ever thought the books you read in English classes are boring? This seems like a very common problem these days, that’s why I’ll  propose some new stories to be added. Even if the stories themselves aren’t new, they're new in the sense that the things they teach are relevant especially now. One of these stories, I suggest, is “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., this is because it shows how equality can be taken too far. This being said, isn't it important to teach students the differences of equality and humility?

Thus, I picked “Harrison Bergeron” because of its theme of equality, because of how similar it is to our current world. Why this is so important is because currently our society is going backwards in terms of equality. Our society and this story are two different sides of the same coin. One took the idea of equality, turned it on its head. This shows a possible future for us because if we keep not min the right decisions involving equality we could end up like Harrison’s world. This is important because if we show this possibility to students, they may take it into account. I say this because people always bring up how students are our future.

Above all our future and the current state of our country currently doesn't look the best for people that are different from most. Even though in the story they think everyone is equal with their handicaps, are they really equal if some people don’t have any. This is a huge topic that I believe English teachers should bring into their classrooms. Even if we think people are equal, are we really equal if we single out people at every chance. I don’t know about most people but I’d like to imagine that other people agree with me when I say, English teachers can be very influential. Last time I checked a lot of places make taking English a yearly requirement for their students. With that thought in mind English teachers among a few other subjects have a huge chance to influence the ideas in their students minds. Our society’s teachers have a giant opportunity to change the future, they just need to choose the right future for our world.

All in all, this is why it’s important to show our students stories that contain important lessons for our students to learn. In my writings I demonstrated why Harrison Bergeron” is a great contender in stories that show possible futures we may have; if we don’t pick our fights and battles wisely. With this in mind it's obvious why dystopian stories have a much needed place within our education system, because they show us what our lives may become if we aren’t careful.

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