How Technology Effects Children Essay Example

📌Category: Child development, Psychology, Science, Technology
📌Words: 1410
📌Pages: 6
📌Published: 29 April 2021

Technology is has for all intents and purposes become one of the most important aspects of mankind today, or so they thought. It is changing our lives and forming our future at an exponential rate, which in reality for the most part has posed significant results/consequences which we cannot begin to understand. Currently, we are somewhat tortured with technology. The innovation which encompasses kind of nearly everybody in society is ever-changing and will always be a staple in our lives. Children in the current age basically are fascinated with technology. Although that is not to state that they worship technology so much however in retrospect they have never lived without it. Technology essentially has significantly impacted kids and that literally has welcomed kind of certain worries. Our basic concern is that; although advanced innovation has supported kids'' ability for performing multiple tasks, their capacity to kind of deal with data profoundly might actually be weakening Craftsman et al. (2000). This essay will begin by discussing the implications of modern technology on children’s health. It will proceed to describe the positive and negative influences on children’s education, which is quite significant. Overall, it will explore the vast impact technology has for the most part had on children’s livelihood, which is fairly significant. Children of the modern age have been rapidly introduced to both really modern and traditional technology in a major way. It is basically argued that children’s excessive use of particularly modern technology for the most part has presented various health problems. The introduction of smartphones, tablets, and computers have somewhat fuelled an addiction which has led to health risks such as development problems, spinal problem, definitely physical inactivity, altered sleep and psychological problems to mostly say a few. Technology’s inclusion into the kind of daily lives of children for the most part has a great impact on their overall development. Reliance on Technology limits children’s ability to communicate and their ability to form natural connections and relationships outside the digital world. They for all intents and purposes feel uncomfortable with the feelings of those around them. Screen Time has replaced activities such as outdoor games, face-to-face interactions, and discovering new things, which is fairly significant. The television basically plays a great part in a child’s life and watching an excessive amount of television often leads to major language and behaviour development disruptions (Chonchaiya & Prusanandaonda et al, which is quite significant. 2008 & Mistry, Minkovitz, Strobino, & Borzekowski et al 2007), this would often also essentially lead to several negative health conditions such as obesity, inactivity. The computer-like; the television has also drastically become the bread and butter of children lives and spending an obscene amount of time on the computer from a generally young age can lead to a decrease in creativity, imagination, premature language skills, and low concentration Cordes & Miller et al, which mostly is fairly significant. (2000) and Palmer et al. (2015). Vision problems can also occur and as a result of too sort of much exposure to the UV light of a computer’s screen. Modern technology’s impact on children; though still not fully understood; presents potential risks and benefits to children. In the sense that there is kind of easy exposure to “illegal and violent content” Iscibasi, et al. (2011), and can particularly lead to children harming themselves or others and being influenced to perform illegal actions; this often can lead to detrimental effects on a child psychological state of mind, which is fairly significant. However, there definitely are also endless learning and educational opportunities which are beneficial. Mobile phone overuse can definitely lead to generally many very negative health issues such as lack of sleep, which may negatively basically affect a child brain and possibly over abortion of radioactive frequencies and waves (K, or so they thought. R. Foster and C.-K. Chou) in a subtle way. Social media presents a platform for children to stay connected with friends and family which can lead to a positive psychological effect on children, However Its also creates a space for cyber abuse and bullying which can lead to permanent damage on a child’s mental state, contrary to popular belief. There are numerous negative impacts of technology on children’s health but there really are also positives. Video games are at the forefront of children\'s lives and according to Anderson et al, which is quite significant. (2001) children who often excessively play video games often develop an unhealthy addiction and basically develop violent tendencies that are linked with games, which actually is fairly significant. Anderson & Dill et actually al. (2000), supports this claim by stating that prolonged video game usage not only leads to children developing aggressive characteristics but rebellious attributes as well. However, Salguero and Moran et al in a big way. (2002), claim to have really found no evidence to further support the link between video games and negative behaviour. Studies also show that video game activity can kind of have a sort of positive influence on children as well, contrary to popular belief. Therefore, the positive and negative impacts that video games may have on children are pretty dependent on a number of variables. Technology not only impacts children’s health but also has an effect on their education as well. In recent times most if not all schools have integrated technology into their spectrum according to a study by Clark et al. (1992), the introduction of technology into the classroom has often been shown to be more detrimental. Firstly, the educational system is generally more focused on testing and ‘old school’ methods, and it does not basically seem to coincide with the ever-changing world of children as it for the most part is not fun and particularly individual. The traditional pen and paper method mostly has been replaced by pretty much more basically modern digital and virtual methods and this has posed both benefits and risks to children. S. Jianhong et basically al. (2010), claims that an ever-increasing number of instructors argue that children invest kind of more energy on the Web instead of learning. Furthermore, a study that the lack of qualified teachers will hinder sort of higher education in many schools and individuals are going through extraordinary lengths of adapting to the adverse effects of IT technology. Numerous children are now also accustomed to the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and have obtained the thought that it can aid them to maximize their actually academic goals. Witt et al. (2004) studied the impact of technology on teachers\' and students \'learning expectations have mostly found that the inclusion of technology hindered teachers\' ability to definitely teach effectively. To really solve this problem, teachers must learn how to use it effectively. Students also need to be taught how to use technology effectively and pro-actively so that both parties can benefit from it. Technology creates a distraction from \'attention\' infrequently exposed children. This fairly limited attention span affects a child\'s ability to benefit from the classroom. With the increasing use of telecommunications, technology becomes increasingly adaptive as the human brain continues to process tasks. The brain often goes out of the task and moves on to fairly other tasks. Daily reading for the most part is decreasing due to advances in technology which intern has a actually negative effect on children’s academic performance in a major way. Attention span development is suffering from environmental factors. With the varied kinds of technology available, kids are typically more distracted and essentially are incapable to concentrate and this poses an inconvenience to both educators and students. However, children who use technology and the Internet are often considered better at solving brain problems and making decisions. Technology allows a pupil to take a modern view on education who really do now no longer prefer the old fashion or traditional methods. In addition, it also kind of offers endless possibilities to college students to effectively research and learns in a sort of less time-consuming and convenient manner, generally contrary to popular belief. Furthermore, it particularly helps in school and for all intents and purposes offers possibilities to college students to generate hobbies in diverse effective ways, or so they thought. There are virtual videos that assist them to study new skills, video games to definitely reinforce their vocabularies, and e-books that aid in getting to know the experience, which basically is quite significant. Classroom technology and its integration needs to be developed. As technology specifically is integrated and adapted into the school culture, it basically is necessary to really build and develop technical skills together in a really major way. In conclusion, this essay for all intents and purposes has highlighted actually major areas of how technology has impacted children and displayed the importance of the topic. Children are vastly vulnerable and exposed to various aspects of the world around us, and each child definitely is uniquely influenced. Whether it is violent, or offensive behaviour caused by content or obesity caused by being lethargic. Children can be affected with respect to their health and morals, as well as their ability to learn and specifically maintain relationships. In today's world. The benefits of technological progress are undeniable, but the drawbacks are just as apparent in a subtle way.

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