How to Survive the Black Death Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Health, Illness
đź“ŚWords: 595
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 03 April 2022

The black death. What do you know about it? If you are living in the 1300’s, whatever you’re thinking, you are most likely wrong. I hate to admit it to you, but it is true. The black death all started in caffa in an effort for control over the city fortress. The disease will first travel to Sicily where it will further spread to Italy, and it will continue to spread through Europe so you must be ready! Here is how to survive the black death apocalypse.  

Do you believe that the black death was caused by an imbalance in the four humours? Yes?  Then you would be dead wrong (Get the pun? The black death was not caused by miasma, sin, alignments of planets or the Jews and Muslims. A bacterium all caused the black death smaller than what the naked eye can see. The bacteria are now known as, “Yersinia Pestis” one of the most dangerous types of bacteria you can catch. What do you think spreads this deadly disease? Miasma? Bathing? A simple sneeze or brush by? Yes, it is true, a simple sneeze or brush by could mean death for many people who have not already caught the pneumonic or septicemic strains of the plague. 

But what happened if you catch the deadly disease? The best way to know if you have caught one of the three strains of plague? If you have large swellings under your armpits or groin, you have the bubonic strain. f you are uncontrollably sneezing and wheezing you have the pneumonic. If you have bleeding in the mouth, nose or rectum accompanied by abdominal pain, you have the septicemic strain. The septicemic and pneumonic plague strains are usually fatal. However the bubonic is survivable. If you catch the bubonic plague, apply grinded figs and cooked onion to them. This will soften them enough to cut them open and release the black substance from your body. Although this may be excruciating, it will give you a better chance at survival. Please do not open the buboes up and rub human excrements into them, use all your time to pray for good health, touch the king (for his highnesses and your safety), drink powdered unicorn horn, place live (or dead) animals on the buboes, this will slim your chances of survival greatly.  

Although your chances of avoiding this terrible disease are slim to none, there are many ways to keep yourself save from disease. For example, keeping a clean, closed cedar wood chest with clean clothes soaked in mint essential oils and lavender in handy so the moment there is whisper of the plague, flee the city to a remote area in the countryside. Other ways include sitting in between two bonfires, deep cleaning, patching up holes in the walls to prevent uninvited intruders, wear clean clothes, bathe regularly and quarantine.

There are a lot of possible reactions to the plague. Although it’s best to avoid becoming involved, it is good to know that these things are happening. There will be people known as flagellants who will publicly whip themselves to “appease god” the truth is they are actually just spreading the disease. Although many people will blame other religions including the Jews, Muslims, or the Mongols, no-one in particular is to blame. 

After the plague, be ready for serfs around the county to make a stand and demand higher wages. If you do not give them what they want, your home will burn in the peasant revolt. Make sure that all your slaves and workers take time to quarantine so that you can have the maximum number of workers when this is all over.

If you can follow these simple instructions, you may have a fighting chance at surviving the greatest catastrophe in the history of mankind. Good luck out there!

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