Immigrant Essay: How Hard It Is When You Come To A Different Country​​​​​​​

📌Category: Immigration, Social Issues
📌Words: 874
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 18 January 2022

Have you ever moved to a different country before? 

My name is Johny Abdullatif and I’m g to tell you about how I moved to the United States, I born in Syria, It was the nicest country in the word it has the best view and Syrian people  were very nice and helpful and generous, in Arabic culture if you come to their house as a guest they will let you sleep in their house and bring you food and drinks for three days, after those three days they ask you “How can we help you”.

Syria has a lot of oil and natural views that's why all the people want to occupy it. Ten years before the war Syria was very safe and beautiful, then after that the war had started. At first it wasn't that bad but after years it got destroyed and I started to feel unsafe and stressed because of the war and the people.This time was hard because the Syrian money lost it values so it was hard to get the things you need such as water, food, diapered for babies, and supplies. And the internet and  So this time my dad started to find a way to get us out of there. At first we thought it was impassable but after time we found a way. It was so hard to leave Syria because I was born in it and all my whole family and friends in it. When you leave Syria you have to go from Lebanon, Lebanon is hard to go to because you have to do a lot of peppers and stuff because some challenging things were to stay in before we left for the United States. The US government told us that we have to do more papers and stuff, so we had to stay in Lebanon for some time and the harder part that we don't know when we can come brother is over eighteen years old, so we have to do a lot of peppers, so for that reason we waited ten hours in the border of Lebanon. After we crossed the border we had. 

Living in Lebanon was the hardest thing to do because we didn't know anybody, and because it was very expensive. Because of that my brother and dad have to work, so we can live and pass these hard times. Because I was under the age of work in Lebanon I couldn't work and help my family out with their surpluses. Living in Lebanon was very hard for me because In Syria I have a lot of friends and family the opposite of Lebanon. And  when I was in Syria I would do a lot of things like going to school, doing my homework, and playing soccer with my friends. So because of this we got bored, and we tried to contact the lawyer to discover if it’s impossible to go back to Syria but it was hard because the internet was not that good. After more than a few trayes we contented him, he said “you can but I think going back to your home land is not a good idea”, so we were scared to go back. I asked my dad “when are we going to leave” he’s answer was always “ I’m not sure but not for long” I knew we were going to stay for a little bit of time but not that long. At this time I was 13 years old. I used to look down from the window and watch them play soccer. When I look at them I remember my friends Elle, Tony, Elias and Jimmy, when we used to play soccer together. I was lonely for a little but after a few weeks I met a friend named Hanna. He was the same age as me and he was 5,5 at the time. We had a lot of things in common like we both like to play soccer and play on playstation. He was really smart. He used to get all A’s on his tests. He used to wear baggy pants and baggy shirts, his perfume was really good, it smelled  like flowers. Jimmy and I had a lot of good times together and we did a lot of things together. We used to play soccer every morning and then we went to get some ice cream and then play on the playstation. When I left Libanon both of us started to cry and he gave me a bracelet I still have to this day. After a year of living in Lebanon the US government called us and told us that we could come to the United states. We were so happy because it had been a long time. When the plane landed at LAX, I was both extremely excited and nervous. I was excited because I knew I had just landed in the greatest country in the world. However, I was also nervous, since my English was very bad and I was stepping into unknown territory. At first it was hard because you have to fill a lot of papers but it was easy for us because my uncle had lived in the US for more than twenty five years so he helped us with all the stuff we needed. Because we didn't speak any English we had a lot of problems like getting a job and going to school. First day at school it was excited and nervous at the same because I don't speak any English and I have to make new friends.... 

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