Importance of Long-Term Goal Setting Essay Example

📌Category: Business, Career, Goals, Life
📌Words: 707
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 21 February 2022

Did you know that a Harvard study has shown that people who set career goals are ten times more likely to successfully get that career than those who haven't set goals? Thus, setting long-term goals are good and important in order to attain a dream job. Now, long-term goals are not only important but also give you the motivation, focus and joy to land your dream job. Long-term goal setting is important and you have to take it seriously as it plays a big role in painting your future. 

First things first, long-term goal setting motivates you to persevere. According to Locke and Latham's 1968 goal setting theory, if one sets a good attainable goal (a goal with clarity, challenge, commitment, feedback, and task complexity) it will lead to the motivation and guidance needed to reach a goal. This means that if you set the correct goal for yourself, you will be able to get the motivation and a sense of direction to attain that goal. Motivation is also a key factor to reach a goal. Studies have also shown that academic goals make students persist longer, produce higher quality effort, and learn more deeply. Resulting in the students getting closer to their goal(s).  

Second of all, goals actually help you focus. Barry J. Zimmerman conducted a study where he told one group to focus only on the outcome, another group to focus on only the process and the last group to focus on the process and the outcome (first focus on the process and then when you think it is time, focus on the outcome) the group that did the best the study was “process and then outcome” group. Focusing on the process then focusing on the outcome once you are on a steady track will end up helping you focus since you care so much about the outcome (what will happen after the goal is achieved) you will work hard in the process (what needs to be done to achieve the goal). Picking one good goal at a time will also help you focus. Researchers Amy N. Dalton and Stephen A. Spiller (authors of To Much of a Good Thing) found that people who tried to complete multiple goals at once were less successful than those who focused on one thing at a time. For that reason,  setting long-term goals place a clear path for you which can help you focus on one thing at a time so that in the long run you will be able to land your dream job. 

Third of all, goals make you happy. It’s true, studies have shown that good personal goals contribute to a good well-being. Meaning that the goal that you have, to get a dream job, will result in you being happier as it’s something you truly want. “Choosing ambitious but realistic goals gives our lives direction and brings a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when we achieve them” says When we achieve a goal our brains release a chemical called dopamine, which makes us feel happy. Every time we achieve a goal we get that “satisfaction” that will make us happy, resulting in a good mood. 

Even though it has been proven by multiple studies, some still may believe that when you don't exactly reach your goal or get set back, you’re a failure and you just give up. This couldn't have been farther than the truth. Neurological research shows that  “perceived control over setbacks promotes persistence.” This means that when a person feels like they have control over their feelings, emotions, activities and in this case, setbacks it causes them to not feel like a failure but instead keep pushing towards the goal. Also be considerate of the fact just because you failed to achieve a goal doesn't mean you completely failed or you’re a failure it just means you are on the right track to reaching your goal. In fact a study shows that failing in the process of achieving your goal makes you more likely to be successful farther in the future. 

All in all, long-term goals make you happy, motivated and focused if they are attainable, encourage a good well being, and if you focus on one goal at a time while not only focusing on the outcome by mainly the process too. Also keep in mind that no matter what anyone believes, if you don't reach your goal you have not failed you are just on the road to success. So set long-term goals and strive/persevere for a dream job that YOU want. 

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