Importance of Positive Attitude Essay Sample

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 626
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 06 October 2022

Hello ladies and gentlemen. Can you believe it? We have all come so far and are now moving on to our seventh grade year! So many new opportunities are coming and all these new opportunities also hold great possibilities for positivity. We get to choose electives and make so many more friends which also comes with happy memories. But for all those happy memories to happen, we have to stay positive. Doctor Seuss once said,  “You have brains in your head. Feet in your shoes, and you can steer yourself any direction you choose.”  When we show up to seventh grade, let's choose the direction of living positively and ready to learn!

A positive attitude can look different between different personalities. Don't be afraid to share yours with the world. After all, everyone can learn from each person's personality. If you're feeling positive, why not show it?  Positivity is contagious and you could be the one making the hallways and the world a better place by spreading good. You could start by waving to someone in the hallways and keeping your beautiful smile up right. Keep positivity in your classrooms by making sad people feel better and eliminating negativity. When you do this, you are creating a positive and safe place for all.  You can draw happy things in art, write things that can make others joyful, dance positively, sing happy songs and much more. When you show positivity, it can impact yourself in spectacular ways. Research has found that positive thinking can affect your brain chemistry by aiding in stress management and playing an important role in your overall health and well-being. It can help combat feelings of  low self esteem, improve your physical health and help the way you feel and look at your life. Positivity can also lower levels of distress and pain, and raise resistance to illness. Positivity also helps avoid unhealthy behaviors. Positive thinking can lead to growing creativity, staying focused, and problem solving skills. On the other hand, negative thinking can lead to slower response times, memory impairment, and decreased  impulse control. To add to that, let's talk about an experiment that happened. In this experiment, adults who meditated daily on positive thoughts started to feel more upbeat happy emotions each day. Other studies have shown that positive thinking helps everyone whether they are naturally optimistic or not. Who would love all these benefits of positivity? We would! Who wants the consequences of negative thinking? We definitely don’t!

You want to  know who else wants the benefits of you being positive? EVERYONE! Positivity doesn't only affect yourself, it impacts everyone, sisters, brothers, parents, friends, teachers. I could go on for the rest of the day. As I said before, positivity is contagious. And there's a reason for it, believe it or not positivity has energy and it can spread to you and me. However, negativity drains the energy from those around you. But you can bring that energy back up. If you know what positive energy looks like, why not show it so you can impact others in terrific ways. When you view others positively they can tell, and that's great because then they can start viewing themselves positively too. Because positivity does all those fantastic things to ourselves, when we are positive it can also do it to others too. People like being around you when you're positive because they get good vibes. When someone is sad and your positivity makes them feel better. It benefits them, and you because you can become even more happy. Don’t forget positivity benefits everyone’s lives.

In summary, there can never be too much positivity. If you haven't been thinking positively I know you can do it, and I promise it’s definitely worth it. When things aren't positive don’t go with it. Positivity always wins. And positivity is always possible, so don't give up! Let's all start now and continue so that we can all crush seventh grade. Don’t forget the equation, positive mind, plus positive vibes, equals positive life. Thank you.

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