In Search of Schrödinger's Cat (Essay Example)

📌Category: Books, Science
📌Words: 353
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 October 2022

Usually, quantum physics is depicted as a perplexing enigma. It is thought to be esoteric; understood by only a small percentage of people. However, if a method of teaching is effective, then any subject can be demystified. In Search of Schrödinger's Cat teaches the reader about quantum physics in a way that is comprehensible and easily put into perspective. As reviewing non-fiction books (in my opinion) is slightly more difficult, I will be giving an analysis of how well the author, John Gribbin, educates the reader. 

John Gribbin graduated with his bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Sussex in 1966. Gribbin then earned his Master of Science degree in astronomy and he earned his PhD in astrophysics from the University of Cambridge. Demonstrably, the author is well-educated and knows what he is talking about. An understanding of a topic is very important in order to attempt to teach it. I will now stop boring you with this and move on to the next point. 

Quantum physics is a very abstract topic. If a reader can't imagine or comprehend what they want to learn, they might memorise information but not understand it. Or even worse, they may just give up. Gribbin, however, puts certain details into perspective. For example, the fact that there are more atoms in a lump of coal than approximated years of the Universe's existence changes the reader's interpretations of how small a single atom really is. Of course, this is just an example of many more. Gribbin also includes diagrams in the book, although this doesn't have much to do with the literature.

John Gribbin also doesn't overwhelm the reader with complex information, but rather gradually builds up knowledge. He starts from a familiar concept, light, and moves up the complexity until intriguing topics that seemed to be intimidating at first, such as parallel universes, are spoken about. Because of how the chapters align, he can articulate even more information without discouraging the reader. 

Although I have learned a lot from this book, I think some parts were tedious to read. This is mainly because Gribbin was focusing a lot on the history of certain scientists, rather than what they were studying. Despite this, I have found topics such as parallel universes and time travel thought-provoking yet not intimidating.

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