Informational Interview Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Journalism
đź“ŚWords: 487
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 27 September 2022

For my interview I chose someone who is currently working in the IT field. This person was J. M. of TechMadison. J. is the owner and sole employee of TechMadison. He initially started out as a pharmacy technician but slowly transitioned into information technology by circumstance. Eventually he found himself working for the no defunct CDW. After that experience he stated that he rather be working for himself which is how TechMadison came to be. Upon initial greeting and grabbing a cup of coffee at Ancora Coffee near the square =, we moved on to actual conversation about IT challenges.

Josh and I initially went over how got his start in the IT field. When asked about his time at Madison College he went on to state that he went there for firefighting classes. He claimed that he currently started his career purely off of experience.  Upon further discussion of his experience he told me how he was being funneled at CDW into only doing a certain type of work. This lack of variety andCDW being bought out allow him to have the motivation to pursue entrepreneurship.

It is through working for himself that Josh exclaimed he finds himself much more fulfilled. I wen on to ask what kind of challenges he faces in IT. His response was that keeping up with technology is one of the biggest challenges.  Josh said tht there are plenty of people who find themselves out of a job due a lack of skills.  I inquired him to explain that in greater detail. Josh informed me of examples of IT workers in the late careers who have hard times finding jobs due to the skillset being limited to out dated technology. He added that is why he prefers to work for himself where he is able to provide clients with the newest metthods and go over why adaptability is necessary to a business’s survival. The final question I asked is, “What advice do you have for starting in IT?” Josh told me that experience is a must. By having experience, you are much more marketable and valuable to a company. He then told me to send him my resume and he would talk to some of his clients. After that we shook hands and went on with our days.

I found the interview experience to very daunting at first. Talking to someone you do not quite know is always hard and first impressions are always key. However as the discussion progressed I grew more comfortable a could feel more questions formulating. J. Meyer was very friendly and professional which helped immensely with any anxiety. The questions did grow more about cybersecurity in my head when he brought up keeping up to date with skills. Current events and the progress of technology has me wondering how things will change towards our internet prescence. I will writing Josh a thank you letter and definitely send him my resume in the near future.

If any one has further questions or comments, please contact me through my email. I appreciate you taking time to indulge in my memo and hope to hear from you.

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