Iowa State's College Experience Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Education, Higher Education
đź“ŚWords: 605
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 15 October 2022

Hello and welcome to Iowa State. Within this paper, we will be reviewing the college experience here at Iowa State.

First, off we're going to introduce you to campus services and technology. One of our major services is our academic success center (ASC). This can be found on the Iowa State official website, as well as many of our other services. This was/can be learned in a college 101 class. If you have not taken this class, there are many ways to get a hold of this information, which include the Dean of Students Office, counseling offices, and more. Although this may not seem like a big deal, most students will use these services within their college careers. Technology is another major factor in today's world. Places you can contact if you´´ re having trouble with your electronics include the IT center, as well as an IT portal within the ISU website. This information should also be included in a college 101 class.

It's a known fact that college life is different from high school. It's true that college life can include fewer classes, but an increased workload. Although there are office hours to come in and receive help, it is up to you to keep track of your own grades and progression for your own success. In other words, professors are not parents. To receive information on when office hours are, go to your course syllabus and retrieve it. In Iowa, it is very common that you haven't been exposed to many cultures in high school. When entering college, you will be exposed to many types of people and cultures. If you are struggling to adjust, which is very normal, you can always make an appointment with the ISU counseling office. The information needed to contact any support group at ISU is located on the ISU website. Further information can be presented within a cultural class given by Iowa State. 

Success is an important goal for our staff to help students achieve. Knowing your personality can help reach the goal of success. I know what you're thinking. Can my personality really help? The answer is yes. By taking a personality test like true colors, VARK Learning styles self-assessment questionnaire, and more the tests can tell you what type of learner you are. Knowing this can inform you of how you might learn best. These tests can be found on the internet by just looking them up. Other strategies include making and following a schedule, taking notes using a certain format that suits you, and making sure that you're not putting an overbearing amount of pressure on yourself. All information provided above can be learned in a college 101 class or by talking to the ISU counseling office. 

Further goals Iowa State tries to achieve are personal growth, self-awareness through time management, financial management, and personal wellness. These are very important factors to think about when coming into college. The best thing to do when it comes to financial management is to set a budget for yourself, make sure you are setting money aside to save each month, as well as talk to a financial advisor. Time management is a huge part of being a ¨big college kid,¨ and not everyone can do it. Not only will you be able to manage your time in college, but it will also help when it comes to having deadlines for a future job. Personal Wellness is another key factor. In between making sure you have your work done and studying for tests done, you also need to make sure you take time for yourself. If you are not taking time for yourself, then that can lead to a stressful path. For help to find information on these tactics, counseling offices are open to students. 

Now that you know a little more about Iowa State's college experience, we hope to see you soon, with the knowledge to succeed.

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