King Andrew I Essay Example

📌Category: Government, President of the United States
📌Words: 360
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 August 2022

“There are no necessary evils in government, it's evils exist only in its abuse.” This was said by Andrew Jackson, it is a paradox because many say Jackson abused his presidential powers. Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States of America who served from 1829-1837. He was also considered the candidate for the “Common Man" because of his background before he was president. Even though many people liked Jackson, he was an abuser of his power. That is why I believe the nickname “King Andrew The I” the three events that support this claim are the spoils system, the Indian removal act, and the rechartering of the national bank. 

The first event that supports the nickname ‘’King Andrew the I” is the spoils system. For example, in document 1 it says “... Jackson replaced 9% of government officials, some who had been employed since the days of President Washington.” This shows Jackson fired many including well experienced employees. This proves the spoils system is not the spread of democracy but instead the replacement of people well suited for their positions. Another event that supports Jackson nickname is the story of Samuel Swartwout in document 3 it states “He (Jackson) liked Swartwout because he had been an early supporter (during the presidential campaign) …and so he went ahead with the appointment. In time, of course, Swartwout absconded with $1,222,705.09” this show instead of Jackson looking at qualifications he would pick officials for their support in campaigns. This tells us that the spoils system is not just affecting the government but also the “Common Man” which Jackson had claimed to support. In summary, the spoils system is Jackson's way of expanding his reach bribing votes with a chance to have a government position and by having many government officials in his pocket.  

Secondly, another abuse of power by Jackson is the Indian removal act which to me is when he shows his true colors. To start in document 4, it states “Jackson's Indian removal act appears to run a counterproductive to the many reform movements...” this tells us Jackson set us back in progression and in freedoms for minorities like natives. This shows that even if Jackson says he is doing the will of the people in all actuality he is following his opinion much like a king.

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