Late Start Wednesdays in School Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 470
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 10 April 2022

One day of the week, a day that's beloved among school kids, could change and become one of the most hated days of the week. This is because Washington State has said that all school districts have to increase student time in the classroom. Should Stanwood High School add five days to its school year or eliminate late start Wednesdays? What are late start Wednesdays? You may ask, well at Stanwood High School in Washington State it is a day in which teachers and students get an extra hour and twenty minutes of time. This time is important to teachers and students for many different reasons, like meetings, clubs, and student help  so it's vital that Stanwood Highschool keeps the beloved late start Wednesday.

Some people argue that late start forces teachers to have to reschedule tests, homework etc, because of the shortened periods. But teachers use late start time to meet with other teachers to set up lesson plans, meet with students, and run clubs. This makes most of the teachers lean towards keeping late start because of the extra time to get concrete problems done. And if teachers don't have this extra time for these activities, they have to take time from home to finish them with absolutely no pay. This isn't an issue during late start though, teachers get all the extra time to handle problems with pay.

In addition to the staff needing time, most students also use the extra time to meet with teachers, so they can finish missing assignments or just get a little extra help. Making up tests, checking on grades, and working on projects can all be done during late start. Students also use the early time to participate in clubs like FBLA, German club, and Theater club. If it wasn't for late start, these clubs wouldn't have a convenient time to meet each week, as most students can't stay after school to attend clubs because they have sports or have to ride the bus home.

Another perk to late start Wednesdays is the extra sleep, multiple studies have shown that students perform better with the latter start to school. Scientists say that the extra time in the morning gives the brain time to wake up. This extra time for the brain to wake up improves students' performance in the early periods on late start days. Other studies show that the extra sleep is vital to teenagers as they are still going through the growing process. Scientists say that sleep improves teens' physical and mental health and that schools should adopt the idea to keep late start everyday.

Can late start still remain the most beloved day of the week to school kids? I'm not sure. But what I am sure about is the fact that late start Wednesday is the most important day of the week to the kids and teachers at Stanwood high, because of the time it provides the sleep it provides and the all around helpfulness it provides to everyone in the state of Washington.

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