Lawrence Should Not Be Guilty of Romeo and Juliet's Death Essay Example

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 629
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 10 April 2022

From the beginning of the play, Friar Lawerence only had good intentions while getting involved with Romeo and Juliet; although he had concerns, he asked questions to learn more and decided it was okay to help. When Romeo and Juliet tell Friar to wed them, he responds with, “In one respect I’ll thy assistant be, For this alliance may so happy prove To turn your households’ rancor to pure love” (2.4. 97-99). Friar Lawrence is unsure but marries them with the positive intention of uniting the families, conquering the feud. He did it for a good reason, but the reason was for the greater good, not just himself, which shows he is empathetic and thinks about how things can affect others. So smile the heavens upon this holy act That after-hours with sorrow chide us not. (2.6.1-2)When Friar Lawerence marries Romeo and Juliet, he blesses them and prays for the best. The quote also shows that He is giving his blessing; this is important because he is a Friar and would only do the best for people. To sum up, Friar Lawerence should not be guilty of Romeo and Juliet's death because he only did it with good intentions and never wanted to hurt anyone. 

Even at the end of the play, Friar Lawerence acknowledges that he had been partially at fault for the lover's deaths but tells the truth and apologizes. When Friar comes to the family to clear everything up, he explains, “Miscarried by my fault, let my old life Be sacrificed some hour before his time Unto the rigor of severest law” (5.3.276-278). This quote shows that Friar Lawerence recognizes he was part of the twos death but takes accountability. It also shows that he was honest by telling the truth instead of lying to protect himself; he truly feels sorry as he is willing to risk his reputation to do the right thing.  When the Prince and Juliet's family demand answers, Friar says, “And she, there dead, that Romeo’s faithful wife. I married them, and their stol’n marriage day”(5.3.241-242) Although he knew the parents disapproved of Juliet marrying Romeo, Friar takes responsibility by openly saying he was the one that matched. He risked the parents being upset; however, he chose the high road by telling the truth even though it could cause upset. Friar Lawrence does not deserve to be guilty; he was accountable and showed remorse.

Some may say Friar Lawerence is to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet because he had a chance to stay with Juliet in the tomb but instead put himself first. When Friar Lawerence was in the grave with Juliet and heard people coming, he chose to leave instead of staying with her. When Friar goes to the tomb he speaks to Juliet, saying, “And Paris, too. Come, I’ll dispose of thee Among a sisterhood of holy nuns. Stay not to question, for the watch is coming. Come, go, good Juliet. I dare no longer stay.” (5.3.161-164) By Friar Lawerence fleeing he chose self-preservation and because he couldn't force her to come as he doesnt control her.The Friar also explained the urgency of the situation and why it was so critical it was to leave, however in the end, Juliet disregarded the facts and made the decision to stay. Therefore, Friar Lawerence does not deserve to face punishment or guilt because he made valiant efforts to save people close to him.

To sum up, Friar Lawerence was an honest character and had good intentions, therefore should be freed from the guilt of being part of the death of Romeo and Juliet. First off, throughout the play, the Friar only ever did things when the intentions were good and pure, for example, marrying Romeo and Juliet. Secondly, he was an honest character even when it was hard to be truthful, like when he told the entire story to the Capulets. Lastly, Friar Lawerence tried his hardest to keep people close to him safe. Therefore, Friar Lawerence shouldn't be guilted for being part of the deaths of Juliet and Romeo.

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