Leadership Essay: Odysseus vs. Harriet Tubman

📌Category: Historical Figures, History, Homer, Leadership, Odyssey, Poems, Writers
📌Words: 544
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 April 2022

Leaders are in everyday life, shaping society for the better and the worse. Two major people who have impacted society are Harriet Tubman and Odysseus. Tubman made the Underground Railroad a huge factor in leadership. Odysseus not saving  his crew mates during a crisis shows poor leadership. Both Odysseus and Harriet Tubman are brave leaders and both are mentally strong; however Harriet Tubman is a better leader because she puts other people before herself. 

Odysseus and Harriet are both brave leaders because they both go through hard challenges. Harriet Tubman made an impact by sacrificing herself for others to escape to freedom. While Odysseus made an impact trying to save his crew mates. Harriet Tubman was born into slavery, labeled as property and abused both physically and mentally. “She rose from a childhood of brutal exploitation by slaveholders to emancipate herself, she risked her life repeatedly to liberate others.”( )She goes above and beyond what true bravery really is. In comparison to Odysseus who gets his crew stuck in front of the Cyclops and lets Polyphemus eat multiple of the men before Odysseus takes action. “When the Cyclops returned in the evening, he proceeded to bash in the heads of two more men and eat them”( ). Odysseus finally shows bravery after many of his men have been eaten by the monster. Tubman was very quick to help, and very concerned for others while Odysseus is making sure he does not die very selfishly.

Odysseus and Harriet Tubman share multiple of the same strengths but Tubman’s are stronger .A key strength both Harriet Tubman and Odysseus share is that they are both mentally strong and physically . Tubman shows mental and physical strength due to a heavy weight  leading her to a serious brain injury.“Tubman's brain injury caused lifelong seizures and sleeping spells, it also gave her premonitions of God and vivid dreams of escaping slavery”( ).This injury helped Harriet make her dreams a reality with the Underground Railroad. Odysseus has many mental and physical strengths. A key strength Odysseus has is when he accomplishes the cyclops.Odysseus and his men show courage and strength by blinding the cyclops “

Odysseus shows true strength being able to blind a one eyed monster. Both leaders display physical and mental strengths while going through hard times but this  only makes them stronger leaders. 

Tubman sacrificed herself for others' freedom while Odysseus sacrificed his men for his freedom.Tubman led dozens of people to freedom using the Underground Railroad. Odysseus got his crew stuck on cyclops risking their lives.Harriet was the conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, and She can say what most conductors can't say .``She never ran the train off the track”. Harriet Tubman made a true impact on society showing that slaves can escape the impossible. Tubmans big impact making the Underground Railroad letting dozens of slaves escape exploitation. In comparison to Odysseus who sacrifices his crew just to save himself. Odysseus let’s 6 men die just so he will not lose his ship. “Books 12” Killing many men just to get his ship back from his mistakes. Tubman lead dozens of slaves to freedom while Odysseus is the reason dozens of men are dead.   

Harriet Tubman is a better leader because she shows  selflessness while Odysseus is altruistic. Tubman put others before herself many times during the underground rAilroad. Odysseus did the opposite, putting himself first leaving his crew to die.  If Tubman never had the dream about finding freedom and saving others what would’ve happened?

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