Marketing Matters Now More Than Ever by Denise Lee Yohn Article Analysis (Free Essay Sample)

📌Category: Articles
📌Words: 498
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 September 2022

In an article titled "Marketing Matters Now More Than Ever," author Denise Lee Yohn argues that marketing is essential for businesses as much as ever in our current world. Lee Yohn suggests that marketing and innovation must go hand in hand, since innovation alone can't keep a business going long-term. The author further explained that certain studies have claimed that "marketing is dead" for about a decade, but that the number of people who believe that marketing is dying has increased as a result of factors such as the development of artificial intelligence. That is why, in today's environment, marketing must be creative and innovative. For the corporation to generate a profit, items must be shown and made accessible to the general public. The purpose of marketing is to bring together the appropriate individuals and the appropriate goods or services. It is more possible that sales teams and other company employees will consider what they are providing from the customer's point of view, and that they will persevere in the face of barriers that can only be overcome by providing a great deal of consumer awareness and information. A straightforward way to think about it is that, as a result of this, both the business that develops the idea and the company that purchases it must adjust their business strategies. In order to do this, it is critical to harness the power of marketing in the most effective manner possible. 

The article gave us the perception that marketing is truly vital in today's corporate world. But why there are only few people are aware of it, or much alone value it? Contrary to popular belief, marketing and advertising are not similar. This, however, is not the case. While there are several ways for marketing a business, we can see from today's cases that the most common ones, such as email and search, are often used to raise client awareness of products or urge them to make more purchases. But marketing should be more than this. Product development entails designing products that people want to use and establishing techniques to entice them to do so. In other words, your efforts will result in you not just selling things on the market, but also creating connections with future clients and enlightening the general public about the product's benefits and qualities. 

I can say that the author was indeed successful in his work for it reflects the concept that innovation needs marketing efforts. It gave me a broader understanding about our world, particularly when it comes to innovative marketing. It sparked the thought in me that being innovative can be extremely valuable. when seen through the lens of a student such as me, it entails being knowledgeable about modern educational concepts and developments while also being imaginative with the resources available. It provided me with a vision to be inventive and imaginative in certain circumstances in life since doing so will take you along the route that is known as success.  From a business standpoint, it allows you to predict market shifts more rapidly and seize opportunities before your competitors. However, given the fact that businesses continue to be pushed by innovation, marketing must be adopted, expanded, and acknowledged more now than ever.

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