Men and the Me Too Movement Essay Example

📌Category: Gender Equality, Social Issues, Violence
📌Words: 1504
📌Pages: 6
📌Published: 14 June 2021

The Me too movement is for anyone who has been sexually assaulted and has never dared to speak out about it. The Me too movement was made so that everyone knows that it didn’t just happen to you and it’s not your fault this happened to you, you are the victim. The movement is supposed to bring awareness to every gender and ethnicity, but the gender gap says otherwise. It is way less likely for a man to come out about the sexual assault. About 1 out 6 men have been sexually assaulted or abused but most usually don’t come out about it which affects men in negative ways such as making them abusive in physical and mental ways because they never healed their own physical and mental hate If men came out about their me too it will help them mentally and physically and help people understand men go through sexual assault too because a lot of people believe men cannot be sexually assaulted or taken advantage of, but men are more likely to be taken advantage of. 

A lot of people seem to be highly under-educated on how high the chances are of sexual assault against men. Men are just as likely to sexually assaulted as a woman, but everyone’s knowledge seems to be a little dull on the subject.  (Kuadli, Jenifer 2021). 32 Disheartening Sexual Assault Statistics for 2021. Legal jobs also said “Almost 95% of child victims knew their sexual attacker… spent 10 plus hours in one full duration or segmented with their attacker before the sexual assault. (Kuadli, Jenifer 2021) 32 Disheartening Sexual Assault Statistics for 2021. This is telling us that the Men usually know who sexually assault them. A lot of the time it is people close to them like family and friends.

The men who are sexually assaulted usually experience post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, Alcoholism, drug abuse, suicide attempts and thoughts, problems in relationships, underachievement’s in school and work. (Ennis, Matthew) “The 1 in 6 Statistic - Sexual Abuse and Assault of Boys and Men.” 1in6, 19 July 2018, They feel that instead of speaking on it, it would be easier to hold it in and just ignore the past when in reality they aren’t ignoring they are just making the feelings about it stronger. The AASAS also found this makes them question their sexuality and question their self-worth themselves very often. (AAAS @aasasmembership) “Men and Sexual Assault: AASAS.” Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services,  When men are sexually assaulted, they feel as if they are not men anymore or they are now “gay” as most people would call them. This is just a part of the trauma it is questioning yourself.

Me too movement would be a good way for men to get over their trauma, it has helped women in so many ways and made them stronger people and if we bring this movement to men, we could put an end to the terrible trauma it causes. On me too movement website there is a place where you can speak about your experience and they can find an organization that can help you with anything you need whether you need someone to talk to, or someone to listen, or just people to relate to. They have a needs link where you can tell them what you need help with such as Community (housing, childcare), Mental health(therapy) and legal help, etc. You also have one last link where you can get help from your community if you want the help of your gender, race, sexual orientation, disability they have an organization for all of these. (Resource Library, 15 July 2020) Me Too. Movement, 15 July 2020, If men went and filled this out to get involved in me to movement the number of men would expand tremendously, and it only takes a couple of seconds.

Most people believe that men can’t be sexually assaulted or is less likely to be sexually assaulted or that It is based on their sexuality. One thing that is wildly said is that if a man is sexually assaulted, he is no longer a man or he didn’t fight hard enough. “Our society expects males to be able to protect themselves. Successful men are depicted as never being vulnerable, either physically or emotionally.” (Singer K.) (2018, August 23). Myths & facts about male sexual abuse and assault. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from So many things are expected of men and one thing is to protect themselves. Society feels as if no man should let a man get too close to him to even get the chance to sexually assault him but sometimes it is out of their control. 

Sexually abused a boy most often identify as heterosexual and often are involved in adult heterosexual relationships at the time of abusive interaction (Singer K.) (2018, August 23). Myths & facts about male sexual abuse and assault. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from Men who identify as gay or bi-sexual may wonder if their sexual orientation was influenced in any way by the abusive experience or may even be the cause of their orientation. Men who are sexually assaulted are looked at as gay or most people feel if a man sexually assaulted them, they would become gay. Men can become confused because of sexual assault but that’s not always the case.

Men are looked at as cool if they get sexually assaulted by a woman because that’s what they’re attracted to. “It says not only that males can’t be sexually abused, but that any sexual experience with girls and women, especially older ones, is evidence that he’s a “real man.” To sum up, the evidence above a man is still a man if he is sexually assaulted by a woman. A man shouldn’t feel any less of a man because of this if anything feels better about it. Nothing in the world should make people think that men can’t be sexually assaulted and if they are that makes them less of a person. 

I will now prove why anyone who has the mindset that a man can’t truly be sexually assaulted is wrong. Just because a man was sexually assaulted doesn’t make him any less of a man. They are weaker and more vulnerable than those who sexually abuse or exploit them – who use their greater size, strength, and knowledge to manipulate or coerce boys into unwanted sexual experiences and staying silent (Singer K.) (2018, August 23). Myths & facts about male sexual abuse and assault. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from It doesn’t make you any less of a man if you couldn’t defend yourself sometimes the person is their sexual abuser can be bigger or get them when they’re vulnerable. Men can’t protect themselves from everything and people need to understand that.

Secondly, Sexual abuse is the result of abusive behavior that takes advantage of a child’s vulnerability and is in no way related to the sexual orientation of the abusive person. (Singer K.) (2018, August 23). Myths & facts about male sexual abuse and assault. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from Boys and men can be sexually used or abused, and it has nothing to do with how masculine they are. No matter what your sexuality is no one acts for sexual assault and it has nothing to do with what you like. Just because a man is sexually assaulted as a child doesn’t mean he’s going to be gay.

Last but not least just because a man is sexually assaulted by a woman doesn’t mean they need to like it, it’s not what they asked for. “girls and women can sexually abuse or assault boys and men. The boys and men are not “lucky,” but exploited and harmed.” (Singer K.) (2018, August 23). Myths & facts about male sexual abuse and assault. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from A man shouldn’t feel as if he is lucky because a woman took advantage of them. This can ruin a man in so many ways and he shouldn’t feel as if he has to accept that. People may think that men can’t be taken advantage of and should be able to protect themselves but there are times when men can’t defend themselves and they should have no shame about this. 

Men are just as likely to get sexually assaulted as a woman and they should be more comfortable with coming out about their sexual assault, so they are not physically and mentally damaged and help others face their fears. Men are just as likely to be sexually abused and are more likely to be sexually abused as kids. Men are also looked at as weak if they are sexually assaulted but that is not the case. When men are sexually assaulted, they are way more likely to be mentally and physically unusable and can become mentally and physically abusive which is why men need more help coming out and we need to help them understand it is not their fault this terrible act happened to them, they are the victim. If we got men more comfortable with coming out about their situation me to movement would expand in by millions and sexual assault victims wouldn’t feel so embarrassed to speak out.

Work Cited

Kundli, Jenifer. 32 Disheartening Sexual Assault Statistics for 2021.

Ennis, Matthew. “The 1 in 6 Statistic - Sexual Abuse and Assault of Boys and Men.” 1in6, 19 July 2018,

•, AASAS @aasasmembership. “Men and Sexual Assault: AASAS.” Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services,

“Resource Library.” Me Too. Movement, 15 July 2020,

Singer, K. (2018, August 23). Myths & facts about male sexual abuse and assault. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from

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