Missing 411 Free Essay Sample

📌Category: Crime
📌Words: 524
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 25 September 2022

The phenomenon of Missing411 cases concerns the occurrence of people going missing without any visible evidence. There are 1,440 of these cases that are classified under the Missing411 label. This label claims that there is something strange going on with the number of disappearances and deaths in national parks. The phenomenon is an evolving story that demonstrates a problem rather than a cause. A number of supernatural theories have arisen concerning the cases, with multiple mythological creatures involved in the stories. 

Cryptids such as the wendigo and other flesh pedestrians have both been mentioned as solutions to the mystery. There are also several rational explanations, the most popular among skeptics being serial killers and feral people. David Paulides, the author of the “Missing411” books series, tends to lean toward the more supernatural explanations. It’s hard for us to prove, but the one thing we do know is that all of the cases mentioned by Paulide actually happened. We have records of all the missing persons mentioned in his books.

After making it this far, you may be wondering: what kind of cases are we talking about here? Some examples would be the case of Maurice Dametz. Dametz went topaz hunting in 1981 from the Pike National Forest in Colorado.He drove 16 miles down a dirt road to “Topaz Point”, which was claimed to be haunted by evil spirits. When Dametz’ friend, David McSweeney, returned to the 84 year old man’s digging spot to tell him it was almost time to leave, he was gone without a trace. Afterward, a police search of the area took place for five days, and no evidence was ever found. Paulides created a mini-documentary about the case, and the police re-opened it after 30 years of being closed. These are the types of cases that can’t be explained. 

Another case is that of Dennis Martin. The 6-year-old boy went missing in 1969 while spending Father’s Day weekend in Smoky Mountains National Park. He had gone out camping, along with his father, brother, and grandfather. They stayed the night and the next day, a man approached Dennis’ father, asking if Dennis wanted to play with his sons. Martin agreed and the kids started a big game of hide-and-seek while he watched from a distance. “Dennis hid behind a tree, and when the other kids jumped to reveal themselves, Dennis didn’t.” As soon as it was brought to attention that he was missing, Dennis’ father ran at full speed looking for him. They had camped near the Appalachian Trail, and park rangers were called. They searched all night, and a six-week search was held by FBI members, Green Berets, park rangers, and local volunteers. One of Dennis’ shoes was the only thing they ever found, and to this day, a body has never been discovered.

These cases have baffled everyone for a number of years. Where are these people going? Is there something hiding in our national parks? Why might this be covered up? Is the government behind this? Perhaps there is something out there that takes people and leaves no traces, or maybe it is a conspiracy. Either way, we may never know, unfortunately, what is really happening. The most we can do is hope for a discovery… 

Works Cited

Kreidler, Marc. “An Investigation of the missing411 Conspiracy.” Skeptical Inquirer, Skeptical Inquirer, 1 July 2017, https://skepticalinquirer.org/2017/07/an-investigation-of-the-missing411-conspiracy/. 

Mozzato, Edoardo, and Joanne. “10 Unsolved 'Missing 411' Cases.” Toptenz.net, 11 Apr. 2019, https://www.toptenz.net/10-unsolved-missing-411-cases.php.

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