Monoculture Research Paper Example

📌Category: Business, Farming
📌Words: 690
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 11 June 2022

Our nation is a very diverse and great national trade power, with many industries and resources across our country, but monoculture is detrimental to our economy and livelihood. From chemicals killing massive amounts of fauna to unhealthy additives, monoculture can affect us in more ways than one, and I'm here to prove it.

Our agricultural industry is one of the largest tertiary industries in our country, but monoculture doesn't impact just the environment, but our lives too. Monoculture is a type of agriculture that only harvests one type of crop, but this arming requires a lot to sustain. For this farming to be successful, you'll need to use pesticides and weedkillers to kill all other types of fauna in the area that isn't this one crop. Overuse of these chemicals can kill all forms of biodiversity in that area,  just for one crop. The next problem is the overworking of the soil. Stakeholders in the land and crops would see a decrease in revenue due to the lower quality of land decreasing the value of the land, and the lower yields and worse crops. Since the soil has one crop to handle, it has no other types of fauna to support it, like trees, so it has to do one task to grow the crops, it will swiftly dry up. A good way to prevent such things from happening is to diversify crop loads, so your soil doesn't dry itself up when growing crops. And my final solution is less use of chemicals, not only will this help to make the environment much better but can even increase the quality of food.

The next type of monoculture that affects our lives and economies is tree monoculture. One of our most popular exports, trees, has been one of the major parts of the Canadian economy, all the way back to colonial times, but monoculture can make this pillar of Canadian economy and history, into nothing if nothing is done about it. When we are replanting trees, companies tend to use the same and most common type of seed, this can make whole swathes of diverse and beautiful forest, into a single species expanse of trees with no other fauna. With these single tree forests, animals who once lived in these forests wouldn't return, resulting in less biodiversity. For stakeholders, the indigenous ones would be culturally affected, and the stakeholders in the trees would see less income due to the lack of good land for trees, increasing the price of wood drastically. One solution is to have careful watch and planning when cutting down trees, so you can account for the types of trees and fauna that were there. A way to fix the lack of animals and biodiversity is to let your trees grow longer, this wouldn't just help our environment in the long term, but help our global reputation for sustainable wood.

The final type I’ll talk about is a relatively new one, fish monoculture. This new form of agriculture is a new alternative to regular fishing, by breeding fish in small nets or bodies of water. But like all forms of cultivation in living organisms, there is a caveat, which is monoculture. With so many of the same type of fish in one area, diseases can easily spread and kill or make the fish uneatable. Another problem is with these tightly packed fish farms, is the depletion of the oxygen levels in the water, which can choke out other sea life nearby and the fish within the farm too. For stakeholders, they can see a decrease in demand in revenue and demand, because of the poor quality of the fish and fewer fish due to disease and suffocation. And Some solutions to this would be a more diverse spread of fish, this makes it, so the disease is harder to spread to another species. Another solution is a larger, more open space, this is so the fish have space to breathe and not deplete and suffocate each other.

To pack all I've said into a few words, Canada is a naturally diverse nation that relies on its biodiversity to stay alive, but many companies and industries rely on its resources too much. This reliance dives us to make the process of nature faster, but in turn, does more harm than good. Monoculture is one of the extremes of this desire for more resources and faster, and its ideals can only last for so long.

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