My Favorites Things Essay

📌Category: Emotion, Life
📌Words: 434
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 August 2022

This year I have learned a lot of new words and used them in communication. In this class, we always watched movies and did study groups. We form a group and discuss our homework with each other. After that, we write them on the board and share them with the class. This year we were taught how to write and speak academically. We read books, watch movies, and do quickwrites, after that is done we get ready to write an essay.

My first favorite thing is movies, which are really fun to watch in class with friends and classmates. When we finish a book, we always watch movies. Watching movies helps us prepare for our essay and, at the same time, we also have a fun time with our friends while watching together. Movies also give us an idea of the story we read and let us compare the movie and the book. When we start writing the essay, we can use the movie as a part of the essay, like talking about how the plot or the storyline is either different or similar to the movie.

My second favorite is quickwrites, they help me keep up with the topic and keep track of what I am doing. When we do quickwrites, it is used to type your knowledge and what you remember about that specific topic. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling do not matter, we keep typing for 3-5 minutes, using our hands to think and type. Quickwrites in our class are mostly done right when we start class, so the topic we covered yesterday can be remembered by us and we can continue with the same topic.

My final favorite is writing essays because they are long and fun to do. We write essays to show what we have learned about the topic. Essays are five paragraphs long, and there are specific requirements like double spacing and indenting every paragraph. This is my favorite because I like doing things carefully electronically and proving that I did what was instructed. Sometimes I think of essays as improving my academic writing. This class is to improve my English, which is required academically. I notice as I do essays that my words have been improving academically and I think these essays are really helping me.

 These were my favorite things to do this year. I have learned a lot, and I also feel like I have improved my skills in speaking and writing. Watching movies, writing quickwrites, and doing essays helped me a lot throughout this year. When we had homework, we would form a group and finish it together. This gave us time to finish before showing and I really think it was a good idea to make study groups exist. It helped me and other students a lot.

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