Narrative Essay about Anxiety and Depression

đź“ŚCategory: Experience, Health, Life, Mental health, Myself
đź“ŚWords: 477
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 07 February 2022

Everyone has a unique story, each with its hallmarks, learning lessons, and experiences. But despite our differences, we can all relate to having a major challenge in our life. Sometimes it's a stressful job, a medical condition, an accident, and sometimes it's losing a loved one. For me, my biggest challenge in life has been my mental health. In the last two years, I have battled anxiety and depression, grappling with a roller coaster of treatment options and the stigma that comes with it. This challenge has forced me to have a coming of age- I have had to learn important lessons, balance giving to others and caring for myself, and finally, I have realized my self-worth.

Anxiety and depression are hard for anyone to deal with, but especially for young adults like me when these problems are seen at large to 'only be faced by adults'. Feeling isolated and lost causes many people to not get the help they need- and often it can be too late before a step is taken to reach out for help. Luckily I was able to reach out for assistance and come to terms with my mental health, which many people of my age cannot do. This experience taught me to be brave, that it is okay to struggle, and that I am not alone.

I used to feel that I did not matter to others, and only cause them pain. I would 'make up for my existence' by trying to please others while neglecting myself. After getting support from those I love, I now know it's not narcissistic to take time for myself or to say 'no, not today.' Conversely, taking me-time and caring for myself allows me to have more energy and love to give to others. Now if I need some time, I don't feel like a terrible person, but instead relaxed and ready to bounce back.

Having feelings of intense sadness and worry for long periods of time can severely damage self-esteem. Personally, this prevented me from seeing any good in myself- I was stuck thinking I was a burden or terrible if I made a small mistake. I lost sight of my self-worth. After some healing, I began to reverse how I say myself and the world, until today where I realize that I can make the world a better place, and making mistakes is a part of being human.

I have had a great battle with my mental health in recent years. I am no stranger to feeling lost, isolated, and unloved. Although I am not quite an adult, I have learned hard lessons though to only be faced by 'grown-ups', learned to care for myself and recognize my true worth. Today I still struggle with negative thoughts and worry, but I have built a strong inner voice that keeps me going: I am not perfect, I am human, I learn from my mistakes, make the world a better place with my life, and most importantly I am worthy of love from myself and others just the way I am.

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