Narrative Essay Example about People Pleasing

📌Category: Experience, Life, Myself
📌Words: 633
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 30 January 2022

People pleasing a common addictive problem amongst people, and no people pleasing is not one of those bad addictive problems, it’s just a problem with many people saying YES or being pushed around or always wanting to please people. You want to know something though I didn’t know I was one until all my friends told me so, especially my friends Jace, Max, and Miley, even my mom said so, and I never really liked to be one. It is not really something you think about before saying yes and or no. Its and unconscious “YES!!” or “sure.” Even about a year ago lots of football players asked me to be the team manager for the football team.  

I didn’t know if I wanted to be, but my dad thought it would be a promising idea and everyone said I should. There I have already listed two of the problems I listed up top, wanting to please people, and being pushed around. As you might have guessed, yes, I did become the football manager, and I did have fun and they asked me to be the football manager for this season too and a part of me wanted to say no. I wanted to play this year because I really enjoyed watching and passing and just loved being out on the field, but I couldn’t, as I've said before it's not that it's impossible for me to say no its just an unconscious part about me saying yes, it's hard not to.  

Again, though as you may have guessed I did say yes to being the team manager for being this football season too but before I said yes to this season the basketball coach asked me to be the basketball manager for this winter, and yup of course I needed to say yes. I know this is a lot of reptation but that’s not the point I'm trying to make the point I'm trying to make is that once you take a big bite you realize you bit off more than you can chew because I did, for sure. After a bit into this football season, I kept regretting being the football manager I really wanted to play but I committed to this season, and as I talked to my mom and dad, I realized I didn’t want to be the basketball manager I either wanted to play or not play I didn't want to be that one man on the sidelines all the time being the sidekick in a way if you get what mean. So, I needed to talk to the basketball coach, and I have put that off for a couple of months. 

Something else I hate about being a people pleaser is fights. Wow when I fight with people either over text or verbally, I always need to go back to say sorry. I always feel like I'm the one that goes back and says I'm sorry, even when I don't even want to. So, in the past when I went to my friend's house Max, I would always fight with him over the dumbest stuff and every time we did I, yes, I would be the one to go back to him to say I'm sorry. 

I know this might sound like a stupid topic and I agree but I tell you all this because I do this too and I hate it, that’s why I decided to change even if people at school think I've changed. It's such a relief to know that I can say no. Like I texted the basketball coaching saying I appreciate the opportunity, but I said no and it's nice to say no occasionally. Yes, I haven’t fully gotten over being a people pleaser but it’s fine to be a people pleaser when you choose to be but if you don’t want to be don’t always choose the option to say no. So, the next time someone asks you to do something you don’t want to its alright to just say NO!!

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