Natural Law Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Philosophy
đź“ŚWords: 468
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 12 April 2022

Laws and precepts are vastly important to natural law as they are used in everyday life, they are rules and regulations we use in any situation.

Natural law is a legalist law that means that what is right is obeying the laws there are 4 types of important different universal and eternal laws the first being eternal which is about god creating everything including right or wrong, second being natural this is about god creating humans with the ability to know right or wrong, human is another which means people use their inner knowledge in society to make small rules that a community lives by and lastly divine this is where people cant figure out the laws and seek out goods guidance. Theses are very important to everyday life for people as they use them in every situation they face in life.

Aquinas believed that following rules in life would help you get the best out. Getting the goodness out of life meant that you keep the 5 precepts he said that following these rules will steer you in the right direction of your ultimate purpose or the destiny of your life. Our ultimate purpose is to know god this is to do good and avoid evil 

The prespects people must follow to do good and avoid evil are. Preservation of life which states that life is sacred and has to be protected and means that no way whatsoever are people allowed to break that rule so no murder ad especially no abortions as life is sacred. Ordered by society is another one this rule is about people having to live together in peace and harmony with no things like stealing and lying going on. Worship of god is a big thing for the main precepts as he given you life and created humanity around and deserves your respect this ties in with the fourth rule of education and teaching your children after you how important following and loving god is and to make sure they know right from wrong and lastly is reproduction natural law expects you to have children as it is natural to have them, and it is very frowned upon to go against it for example abortion is just wrong.

Its an obligation for all people and is not optional to go against it as we were born to follow and live by these rules and they must be kept. It is not a choice to worship god or raise your children to be religious it’s what we were created to do.

Secondary prespects these work out the details of the primary prespects. Primary’s can not be changed where as secondary can be altered, so there is flexibility in this this theory  for example heterosexual sex is only good because the outcome is a pregnancy where as homosexual sex are wrong as they cannot lead to children

The good consequences of sticking with natural law and doing what is said to be good is said to be eternal life in heaven.

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