Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle Analysis Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Philosophers, Philosophical Works, Philosophy
đź“ŚWords: 766
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 27 August 2022

In Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle, we are presented with the idea of happiness and how it is in correlation to one’s virtues as well as how virtuous they’re throughout their life. Aristotle believes that ethics plays a role in which it allows a person to be happy. In Section #1 he states, “Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim.” (Aristotle 1) meaning that the end goal in and of itself is ultimately to achieve happiness. When seeking happiness, we do so for ourselves not because happiness helps you reach other goals, so in a sense the purpose of Aristotle's ethics is to determine now how to be happy but the best way to be happy. 

A few sections that elaborated on his idea of happiness, were on Sections #9 and #13. Starting off with #9, the premise of this section was on how we define happiness, which includes things commonly seen as or thought of as good in nature, even pleasure. Happiness requires “learning and attention” because it is thought that a life that ends in misery will not be happy. Basically what Aristotle’s point is trying to get across is happiness is due to virtue because it is readily available to anyone willing to be virtuous. Section #13, while still on the topic of happiness because according to virtue, “happiness is an activity of the soul that it is needed to examine human virtue.” (Aristotle 14) arguing that by human virtue we must consider two things of equal importance that are intellectual and ethical virtues, respectively. The reason why I chose these two sections was because they complement one another in terms of creating a sort of cause and effect. As said in #9 on how we define happiness it’s by how someone acts inwardly and outwardly and #13 questions how our intellectual and ethical values come into play. From what I understood was that happiness is dependent on living in correlation to one's virtues because being virtuous is not an activity, but rather an attitude and can be rubbed off on those around them. For me at least this reading connected to the topic that surrounds many religions: practice being honest, generous, just, etc. and by doing so creating a sense of honor in a person and high moral standing. Aristotle thought by honing these virtues it would allow people to make the right choice when faced with ethical challenges.

When tying these teachings in the Nicomachean Ethics in relation to present-day college students, they are aiming for the most positive action that can contribute to their happiness. Pursuing higher education can have you fluctuate emotionally, experiencing intense highs as well as intense lows. A study from, Happiness among College Students: A Cross-Sectional Web-Based Study, conducted an experiment among Iranian Medical Students at the time. The researchers' objective in this study was to evaluate happiness among college students of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences in terms of their socio-demographic variables. Some socio-demographic variables that may include: “ demographic characteristics, health status, stress experience in the past six months, weight, height, physical activity, socio-economic questions like household income and assets and using the oxford happiness questionnaire (OHQ).” (Biotech Health 1) They measured happiness which consisted of 29 statements that ranged from 1 “strongly disagree” to 6 “strongly agree”. Examples of the items are “Life is good,” and “I am well satisfied about everything in my life”. Happiness scores ranged from 29 to 174; higher scores indicate higher happiness. The conclusion was that those students with a poor socio-economic background were linked with severe depression and stress, with that being said a majority of these students were pursuing a career in medicine for a better future in order to get out of poverty, but at the expense of their own happiness to please their parents.

The article, Happiness and Virtue in Positive Psychology, translates the teachings of Aristotle in the Nicomachean Ethics, their readings correlate by stating that “virtue promotes happiness, our own as well as that of others.” and according to Aristotle, happiness ties into how virtuous a person is throughout their life. To support my argument, Happiness and Virtue in Positive Psychology, “positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living, focusing on both individual and societal well-being.” (Martin 1) It also studies "positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive institutions, ultimately aiming to improve quality of life." (Martin 1) It closely relates to the essay question of present day college students, meaning higher education in the long run leads to a better life financially, maybe even mentally.

Nevertheless, I think the greatest happiness one can achieve in life is that of self-understanding because when knowing one’s true self they can unlock their full potential in life and live for themselves, rather than for others.

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