Our Town Analysis Essay Sample

📌Category: Plays
📌Words: 623
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 10 June 2022

The title of this play is “Our Town.” This play was written by Thornton Wilder, who is also known for his play, “The Skin of Our Teeth.” Our Town” is directed by Sam Wood. The play was originally published in 1938 and the remake was created and performed in 2003.

Sol Lesser Productions produced the play. In the play Our Town, the audience is encouraged to not take anything in life for granted and cherish the little things because we don’t know when we will be taken from this world. In the play “Our Town” written by Thorton Wilder, the writer asserts the element of time in a certain way to show him as perhaps a God-like figure, To show everyone growing up in the play, and to show that we don’t have much time on this earth so we cannot take anything for granted.

Our Town is a play that is portraying the small town named Grover’s Corners and the everyday lives of the people in that town from 1901 to 1913. It discusses different important aspects including family, love, marriage, and death. The goal of this play was to show that we as humans are not promised a tomorrow and we have to live our lives to the fullest and that is why it makes such an impact on individuals after they see the play.

In the play Our Town, the element of time is used in many ways. One of those ways is by portraying the stage manager as a God-like figure. An example of this could be whenever he changes the time on his watch which could be taken as a way of taking the playback to the beginning and doing it all over again. This could potentially show that he is the one that controls everything going on could be connected to a God-like role. Another example of this could be whenever he was able to send Emily back to her life whenever she asked. He showed a great deal of power in this scene because nobody but God would be able to perform the action that he was able to.

The way the play shows people growing up is another way the element of time is utilized. An example of this could be the relationship between George and Emily. In the play, they started out as ordinary neighbors but eventually, they both caught feelings for each other. As the play progressed, it showed Emily upset and George because he had changed. This led to a conflict in their relationship. They went on to get married and had a child together before Emily passed away during childbirth. This can go to show that throughout this play, you get to witness the element of time through the story and the growing up of characters in the play.

Lastly, this play portrays the overall message that life is short and we should use our time wisely and cherish every moment we can. This is shown by Emily dying and then going to the afterlife. She meets others in her town that have already passed away. She looks down at her grieving husband and parents as they attend her funeral. She eventually misses her family and wants to go back. This gives off a very powerful message of the fact that people can be there and be gone before you can blink twice.

In conclusion, the play Our Town is a very powerful play with a much more meaningful message than just the ordinary life in a small town. This play includes a very important aspect which is a big reason this play was so successful and that aspect is the element of time. It can be shown in many ways whether that is by using the stage manager as a God-like figure, showing the characters in the play growing up, or even sharing the message of living life to the fullest. This play has had and will continue to have a very big impact on all who watch it.

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