Personal Essay Sample about Heroes

📌Category: Hero, Life, Myself
📌Words: 848
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 05 June 2022

Heroes. When you think of a hero you probably think of a classic, like Superman, Wonder woman, and Iron man.These are all heroes shown in movies that many people have heard of. But, why are they heroes? Why are they classified as superheros? The answer matters on what others' perspective of a hero is. A definition of the word "hero" is someone who ameliorates others in life affecting ways.

Firstly, not all heroes are advertised in movies and shows. Heroes can come in all shapes and sizes, as long as they fit someone's definition of the word "hero". When it comes to the definition listed above, heroes do not only physically help others. Heroes can help by inspiring, advising, saving, etc. One well known hero, in history, is Abraham Lincoln. Many consider him the "best president" and a political hero. Why is this? The most common answer is, he fought and succeeded in the act of ending slavery in the U.S. He could have not acted in helping others, but he didn't.  He stood up and fought for the freedom of others. This is an act of heroism because he extended his arm out and helped many. An important act of heroism was him inspiring others. For example, in the White House Sermon for Abraham Lincoln, by Dr. Phineas D. Gurley, Gurley says "-not for himself only, not for us only, but for all people in all their coming generations, till time shall be no more- that survives his fall and will survive it".  This example shows that his act of selflessness survives in his legacy, and will inspire others as well. The sermon also says “He is dead; but the memory of his virtues, of his wise and patriotic councils, and labors, of his calm and steady faith in God lives, is precious and will be a power for good in the country quite down to the end of time.” According to this example, he had already done so much for others, in this case the Union, that he will still be a help even though he is dead. These are all acts of heroism. 

Next, is another hero who not many know; my mother. My mother may not be in comic books, literature, and historical writing, but she is a true hero. My mother has helped many people, including myself. She has been a hero by helping many people and causes. Her most important act of heroism is with those she loves. My mom grew up in a household of eight. She helped her mom often by cleaning, pursuing household tidiness, having good behavior, etc. She then went on to bring her friends food, give people her lunch money, setting a good example, and more. These acts all fit the definition of a hero. She later went to college and then to work. All throughout this time she helped others. Some of which includes taking complete care of her brother's dog. As time went on she got married and had me. Her heroism has affected my life in many different ways. She taught me how to read, write, listen, behave, and all the skills a child needs to know. Later on, she ended up helping my grandmother when she got cancer. This resulted in her comforting the whole entire family, especially me, when my grandmother lost her life. She put everyone else's emotions first by comforting us before herself. She has now helped me with school, projects, hair, health, makeup, food, clothes, sports, etc., when she could be doing things for herself. She has chosen to be the most selfless person anyone could know, which makes her a true hero in my life, and in many others. 

Lastly, is a hero from literature; Meg Murry. Meg Murry is a character from A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. In the book, a monsterous brain named IT has taken complete control of people, and Meg is there to put an end to it. Meg has accepted this challenge because she wanted to save those she loved, who were in the clutches of IT. Meg could have been too scared to face IT, but she put the fear aside. Meg put her whole willpower at risk. This is an example of heroism because she did not give up so she could help others. In this case, she helped others out of danger. Another example of her heroism is, she never gave up and defeated IT. IT's defeat opened many new doors of heroism. All the people in its clutches were free. These people were given a sense of hope because of her heroism . Some examples of this freedom are Charles saying, “Meg you saved me! You saved me!” Also, “Meg, you did it! Calvin Shouted. Meg you saved Charles!” Meg was a hero by saving many people. Even though Meg is fictional she has inspired others. Meg sets a great example of a leader, which can lead others to look up to her in some kind of way. Meg Murry has helped save many and inspire readers to do the same. These are acts of a real hero. 

In conclusion, Abraham Lincoln , my mom, and Meg Murry are all examples of what it means to be a hero. All these people manage to tie back to each other by helping and ameliorating others. They helped many people in many different ways. This proves why a hero is someone who ameliorates others.

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