Personal Essay Sample: My Interests in Biology

đź“ŚCategory: Biology, Life, Myself, Science
đź“ŚWords: 318
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 11 June 2022

As my mentor ended our last session with, "Lastly, prepare your speech when you give your talk as one of the leading scientists in the world," These words are attached to my mind forever. My story with biology started with doubt: when I was 13 years old a vast blue book in front of my room grabbed my attention, that was my first time looking at a biology book called Campbell.

Opening that book became my daily adventure; looking at the index to choose the topic I'm going to read about, my finger landed on chapter two, called 'The Cell.' This chapter journey started with a tour of the cell, explaining the membrane structure and function, then talking about the metabolism, and landing on the cell communication and the cell cycle. This chapter taught me about what I call the warrior cells because they protect us from infections (T Cells), one of the types of white cells of the immune system. The enthusiasm to tell my father about what I learned every day was enormous, I would talk till I ran out of breath. I knew that my love for biology had become immeasurable.

I've always aspired to share my passion for the sciences. I started a STEM club; one of the activities is the monthly report discussing Nobel Prize winners; I was urged to create this report after the meetings with my academic mentor talking about Nobel Prize winners and my future plans of attaining answers in the laboratory environment. Holding discussions with the club about pre-chosen topics such as the genome revolution and the ethics of gene editing showcased that the STEM club was the school hub to discuss openly and share knowledge with everyone.

Taking this love for biology further in different places, thrilled to know what am I going to discuss next and what new information will I learn today. I wish to share this unconditional love for biology with the world. I hope to become a unique inspirational name in that domain for countless discoveries and leave a meaningful influence.

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