Personal Essay Sample on My Dream House

📌Category: Home, Life
📌Words: 407
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 April 2022

If I could live in an unusual house I’d live in one hidden somewhere in plain sight. Perhaps in the middle of a busy city street. I’d like the architecture of my house to look simple but in reality it would be nowhere near simple. The interior of my home would be dramatically different from the exterior. For example, if the outside is straightforward and simple, the inside would be elegant and large with elaborate patterns. 

I'd choose to have a one or two-story house with a basement rather than a multi-story house with many floors. My house could have a backyard with a garden and possibly a pool so that it appears more normal to the public, exactly like the other houses on the block. I’d paint the outer-wall of my house with a cool grey and light shade of dull blue. I would also like to have a hammock in my backyard where I can maybe read a book in my freetime or simply relax. 

As soon as a person enters my house, I don't want them to think my house is unusual. I would like the interior to look the same as the exterior, like an ordinary house. Although the interior might look “normal” I'd have it designed to be nowhere near as ordinary as it may look. I’d have hidden rooms, compartments inside with maybe even a hidden elevator. There would also be many secret passages that lead to different rooms. All of this would be hiding in plain sight.  For instance, if there is a bedroom with painting on a wall, perhaps on touching a particular point in the wall or a particular sequence, the wall changes into a secret room. 

Living in such a house would make everyday adventurous, thrilling, and exciting. As someone who is extremely curious, I would definitely be intrigued to explore a house as such if I could. Although to be realistic for a moment, it would be frightening as well since we wouldnt know what to expect. We could easily get startled by all the hidden compartments, rooms, etc., or maybe even get lost in the house. Therefore, If this house existed and I was offered the opportunity to live here but couldn't live anywhere other than the house, I would decline. I can see myself staying in this house for a period of time but not permanently. Also, if i were to stay in this house permanently, i wouldn't be intrigued by its mysteriousness after a period of time. Thus, this house, if it exists, would be a fun and exciting place to stay in temporarily.

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