Personal Experience Essay: Spiritual Meditation

📌Category: Experience, Life, Myself
📌Words: 913
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 11 February 2022

No longer a prisoner, I am free! I have freed my media-driven mind and started seeing the world and those in it for what they truly are. Spiritual meditation is a wholesome practice and reaching one’s higher self is as important as what society teaches us about the Bible, pyramids, and everything in between. In this paper, I will inform how Spiritual Meditation has helped me evolve as a person; however, bringing a lot of challenges with it. Spiritual Meditation is used throughout the world in many diverse cultures and religions. 

According to the University of Houston Spiritual meditation is an experience that takes you to the depths of who you are. (“Spiritual Meditation - University of Houston”) You, as your real self, stripped of all the perceptions you had about yourself until that point in your life. In the process, you experience joy and peace. A feeling of love and light warms up your being. (“Spiritual Meditation - University of Houston”) Understanding that definition will help you prepare yourself for the scary beautiful journey ahead. There are also many steps one should take when starting this new chapter in their lives. 

I recently, in the past year, started meditating. I was a lost soul looking for many answers that I just could not seem to find. My boyfriend then suggested meditation. I had tried everything from seeing a therapist to speaking with the Father of my Church to even shutting down and isolating myself from friends and family. So, willing to try anything, I started getting up around the time the sun would rise and going to this quiet place near my home. Surrounded by nothing but the sounds of crickets and birds chirping the sound of the river flowing as it should I would sit down on this rock just in front of this waterfall, I have loved since I was a child, face the east cross my legs placing the right on top of the left place my hands on my knees face up towards the Heavens as to receive the messages, answers if you may, I had been searching for. 

I found that meditating early mornings helped me throughout my day. It made me calmer, not so quick to react. I found myself happy for the first time in a long time and for the first time Ever in my life I felt not only at peace but complete. I am always also searching for something more and I was able to find it through Spiritual meditation. I mended my fences with my family that had been broken for years and started forgiving myself for all the wrong turns I had taken in life. 

It was my experience that one should start small. Do not rush the outcome. It will come when you are truly ready. Focus on the positive you are trying to live your life around. Be kind and always remember what you were going through that brought you to this place in your life and remind yourself that you never know what someone else is going through. Most importantly, be kind to yourself. If you are not happy or at peace within yourself, you never will be in or out of a relationship. Finally, be thankful for what you do have. Whatever your beliefs thank the higher power for the Earth we call home and the fact you woke that morning. Never take for granted the little things or even the huge negative situations in your life, for without these you would not be where you are today. 

Unfortunately, though with all the progress I was making there were a lot of dark sides! A lot of forgotten memories are being brought to the surface. I had to relive some of the most painful memories of my life. Feeling like I was going backwards like I was never going to get the peace I so craved. But as I continued to do my meditation, and staying focused on the positives in my life, I realized that these dark forgotten memories were there again to help me heal. You must heal to grow. You must forgive yourself and others, even if they have not asked for your forgiveness, that may have caused that broken piece that lies within. 

While I have enjoyed my journey and am truly thankful, I recommend anyone thinking about starting this journey to remember there are always memories hidden deep inside that until you bring them to the surface, they will subconsciously be there keeping you from your truest happiest self. The negative or dark side, as some choose to call it, can turn your world upside down and inside out, making you relive some of the most horrific memories you ever went through. It will make you feel even more lost and confused than when you started the journey of spiritual meditation. This is what they call the healing process. To heal what is broken inside of you, you must look beyond the broken, forgive yourself and others that may have caused you this feeling and remember that time may help you not think about something so much, but it does not heal. There are always memories hidden deep inside that until you bring them to the surface, they will subconsciously be there keeping you from your truest happiest self. 

Spiritual meditation makes you realize the eternal truth and helps you let go of all that has happened and will happen. The present is where you want to be and find solace in. The need to practice spiritual meditation comes from an innate longing to see and think beyond the chaotic world surrounding you. While I personally enjoy my meditation and the progress I am making in my personal journey, it is not for everyone. But for those of you who think you are ready all it takes is a little bit of time, patience and will.

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