Persuasive Essay About the Cold War

📌Category: Cold War, War
📌Words: 1062
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 21 July 2022

The Cold War between the United States of America and the Soviet Union was a period of adversity between the two countries. The Space Race was born as a way to fight without death. The race was to the moon and finally provided a way for the U.S. and Soviet Union to compete without going to war. During this time of strife between the two superpowers humans sent satellites and men to space for the first time. The space age was “one of the most monumental achievements in mankind’s history”(Catledge). The progress in technology, education, and acceptance of new ideas that the Space Race promoted, proves that even in times of adversity man can still grow and advance.

After the second World War two major countries remained; The United States and the Soviet Union. Two completely different and opposing countries that had once been rocky allies against the Nazis during WWII now had built up large nuclear arsenals specifically to attack each other. This period of time began the Cold War a time of nuclear fear and terror. But at the same time, another kind of a battle was being fought; this was a battle for human advance, a battle known today as the Space Race. During this time the USA’s goal was to get man on the moon before the Soviets to prevent their enemy from using space for evil rather than good, and to remain the largest power in the world. At one point the Soviets seemed to be in the lead when “On October 4, 1957, the [Soviets] blasted the 184-pound Sputnik satellite successfully into Earth's orbit, becoming the world's first artificial satellite in space”(Levy). But in the end, the United States won the Space Race when they landed the first man on the moon in 1969.

The Space Race promoted advancements in technology, proving that man can improve in times of adversity. Not everyone supported the technology advancement even at the time. The many “critics of the Kennedy administration had disagreed with its priorities” and believed that “funds being spent on the space race … could be better spent to combat … problems back on Earth such as hunger and disease and social injustice” (Levy). The war was not the only obstacle that the U.S had to overcome to advance technology. The Kennedy administration also had to continue advancing despite the public being against the ideals trying to be reached. Although much of the progress that was made is still used in modern society. The satellite program of the U.S. and Soviet Union bore much fruit. Items such as “wireless communication and global tracking, came out of the satellite program”(Levy). These now commonplace technologies were monumental at the time of their conception showing how man can advance in spite of tension in the world.

Another aspect of progress was in the education of people during the Space Race, showing that despite the struggles they were facing at the time, there was still great achievement.The United States realized that they needed to improve their system of education to be able to compete with the rate of advancement in the Soviet Union; “the federal government was forced to find a way to influence schools in order to compete with impressive Soviet advances in science” (Pineo 3). The U.S acknowledged that there was a lack of advancement and uniform growth across the United States while the Soviets had an impressive education system particularly in  science. This led the U.S to reevaluate  school systems and place more emphasis on education. This focus on improving education shows the U.S. adapting to its adverse situation to further educate its populace as a safeguard against the war with the Soviet Union. The government created its own measures to advance the public schools system. Many argue that “these changes… were the first meaningful steps taken by the federal government to set higher standards for public school and to seek greater uniformity among state systems nationwide” (Pineo 4). The government’s response to the adversity of the Cold War was realizing they had to set a higher standard for the nation’s education system. The government made great progress in changing the way schools operated; one of the more notable ones was the introduction of standardized testing across the nation. The way the government successfully improved its public schools in a time of adversity further proves that man can advance no matter the condition of society.

Another facet of the Space Race’s progress was the acceptance of new ideas, displaying human’s ability to advance even in the face of the current war. At the beginning of the Space Race the idea of going to space was preposterous. In fact, most people did not believe “man would ever fly”(Catledge). This once closed minded public changed into a supporting body as the race went on. The ability of man to change its ideas even in times of tension shows how the advancement of humanity continues no matter what. This ability to grow is shown in the Space Race multiple times. In the Space Race even those who opposed the space program could not argue with its plausibility, some critics even saying that “there were benefits to be gained from sending a man to the moon”(Levy). This idea of going to space being accepted in this time of extreme tension shows the ability of humanity to advance.  Another example is Werner Von Braun, the leader of the U.S. rocket development program. His claims of being able to “‘put up a satellite in 60 days.’” were finally accepted and “Von Braun and his team went to work”(Levy). This change in acceptance was key to allowing advancement for society. The fact that Von Braun was listened to and let work on a project many previously thought impossible, especially in a time of strife, proves how humanity can advance in all conditions.

Technology, education, and the acceptance of new ideas in the Space Race, demonstrates how man can still grow and advance, even in times of adversity. Despite the fear and potential tragedies during this age of adversity, man was still able to achieve that which was previously unfathomable; this is clearly shown when scientists were able to launch satellites to gather never before seen data and launch projects like the ISS for long term future advancements. This period of time, with such a large focus on learning as a species, hugely influenced the development of public school systems, which are still standing today. Because this time period was so influential and it reached pop culture and show’s the acceptance of these new and unusual technologies by the general public who at one point did not want to support these expensive and demanding projects. Despite the struggles that man faced and the losses that were suffered, it is undeniable that man is truly capable of advancing as a whole no matter the current situation.

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