Persuasive Essay Example: Humans Should Explore Space

📌Category: Science, Space
📌Words: 472
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 12 June 2022

Have you ever wondered about the endless possibilities in space? Space is a huge and dangerous place to explore, but to get all the answers we need for humankind, we need humans to find answers by exploring outer space. Space is filled with new chances for humans to learn about the different planets and more of their own. Putting humans in space may increase our chances of finding out something about our own planet that may be surprising or about other planets. 

Did you know that scientists are seeing if Mars could be our next new home? Going to space will help us figure out if planets in the solar system could be our new home if anything happens on Earth. Doing this could increase the possibility of humans living for an exceptionally long time. How do you think scientists figured out that Mars could potentially be our new home? Well, the scientist had to go out into space to figure out the atmosphere of Mars and many other things. If scientists were to never go out into space, they would not have made this amazing discovery that may increase the hope that humankind will still be standing even after Earth may be destroyed. 

Although sending humans into space may be extremely dangerous, it would help us resolve all questions about space. Sending humans into space is also very pricey, but private companies may think about investing money into space exploration. By doing so, it would help scientists discover increased things about space, and with the advanced technology we have now, it should not be as hard to make new discoveries. What if humans never explored space? We would not know anything about the stars or what they are made of or even what a moon is. Knowing all these trivial things has helped us gain more knowledge so that we can make new observations. 

Sending humans into space may be an innovative idea, however, it is a substantial risk. Countless things could happen including rocket ship malfunction, something happening in space, etc. Putting people in space is a dangerous task, especially when you are at risk of losing a human being, which can reduce humankind. Humans also need many resources to survive so it may cost a lot of money to do so. They also may run out of resources, which is bad considering you need the resources to survive. Humans may gain more knowledge to help us with our planet if we go to outer space, but there is always a huge risk of doing something so big. 

In conclusion, humans should go to outer space because of the many things we could find out about our planet and other planets. Going to outer space can also help us find answers to these endless questions that we may have about space, and if we find out that Mars is good for humans to live on it may be our new home planet. Although humans going to space is a clever idea, there are always huge risks about the idea.

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