Persuasive Essay Example: Social Media is Bad

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 379
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 October 2022

Some questionaries were asked to people when asked, 70% of people going through adolescence say they see frequent bullying online. YouTube and social media can be very beneficial, but the challenges YouTube makes are horrible so many people either do stuff for fame, and the cyberbullying and comparison from social media or wanting to be accepted lead to depression and loneliness. YouTube is extremely risky, think of the Tide Pod challenge or the cinnamon challenge, or even the ice and salt challenge that left people with 2nd and sometimes 3rd-degree burns. Using social media a lot is very risky and can increase depression and loneliness levels drastically in just a few days. following stunts, getting peer pressure, and much more violent things.

YouTube is not beneficial. The effect of wanting to become famous shows in the dangerous challenge videos because those are the ones that get a lot of views, not the informational ones. In the article, YouTrouble written by Justine O’Neill, states “YouTube hosts countless clips of people, many of them young teens, attempting wild, dangerous, and downright stupid stunts.” and “The peer pressure is greatly increased because now we can see what others are doing literally around the world.” YouTube is normally very bad as shown in these quotes, teens are very likely to do bad things due to peer pressure and wanting to be famous or because they think they will fit in.

Social media is bad because of things such as comparing yourself to others and cyberbullying can lead to bad things such as depression and loneliness. If you stay away for just a few weeks you will feel more accepted and happier. In another article named This is Your Brain on Instagram: Effects of Social Media on the Brain written by Kelly McSeweeny“After three weeks, the participants who limited social media said that they felt less depressed and lonely than people who had no social media limits.” This shows how by using social media less just for a few days they felt brains a lot less depressed and lonely. 

Social media is bad due to depression, anxiety, cyberbullying, and addiction.  YouTube is normally not the best form of entertainment but social media is not any better while causing death, depression, and loneliness so please do not use social media or YouTube for anything dangerous or for long periods. So after reading this you can decide if social media is good for you or bad for you.

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