Persuasive Essay Example: Water Pollution Should be Stopped

📌Category: Environment, Pollution
📌Words: 557
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 19 October 2022

“People don’t realize that water in the liquid state is very rare in the universe.” Water is very rare and we are polluting it. People are putting more than 8 million tons of water pollution in the world's oceans each year. In 2000 found that 55% of freshwater and reservoirs are polluted. We need to start trying to stop water pollution for the health and safety of humans and animals but also for the environment. 

How does Water Pollution Affect the Future of Probable Water? 

Only 1.2% of the earth's water is drinkable, the rest of the clean water is frozen in glaciers and ice caps. Many people all over the world do not have access to clean drinking water. Water pollution can get into those systems and affect the water. Almost half of the world's wetlands have been polluted or destroyed because of pollution. Ecosystems are also getting damaged by water pollution like the Aral sea in Asia was one of the worlds largest freshwater lakes but now the lake has lost an area “ like the size of lake Michigan.” Now the lake is very salty because of the pollution. found that almost 80% of the world's waste water goes back to the environment. 

How does Water Pollution Affect the Environment? 

A study caried out by have shown that over 40% of Americans rely on groundwater access and factories are affecting that water that they use on a daily basis. Factories are also polluting freshwater areas and oceans. Some factories need to utilize water supplies for making products and cooling down systems but factories can reduce the use of water that they are using. “ Water and air, the two essential fluids which all life depends on, have become global garbage cans.”  Most of the world's water pollution is caused by domestic sewage. Which is the used water from homes. The average family wastes 180 gallons of water each week. Water pollution can cause algae to bloom and that can make the oxygen levels lower in that area. “This dearth of oxygen, known as eutrophication, suffocates plants and animals and can create “dead zones'' (NRDC 2018). Algee can also release neurotoxins which could be harmful to marine animals who swim though that area. 

How is Water Pollution Affecting Humans and Animal Health? 

Humans are dumping plastics and waste into the ocean and that is killing marine life. Marine life is eating the plastics and plastic bags and suffocating them. Plastic kills more than just marine life it also kills birds and mammals. Water pollution is destroying environments, especially coral reefs. Many diseases are caused by polluted water. According to groundwater systems go through the ground and pick up nutrients and carry them to water tables but when pollution can get in it can pose a serious health threat. Being exposed to toxins that could be in drinking water can be dangerous for humans and animals. “Thanks to animal agriculture, our water contains an abundance of manure, pesticides, antibiotics, nitrates, and arsenic.” According to the WHO, over 80% of human diseases are waterborne. According to, over 60% of deaths from diarrheal illness can be traced back to unsafe water. In 2018 water pollution killed more than 1.8 million people. 

We need to stop water pollution. Now is the time to start doing stuff to help prevent more water pollution in the future. Some things you could do is put all your recyclables in the recycling bin. Pick up litter and throw it in a garbage can. You could donate to sites like they help clean up water pollution.

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