Persuasive Essay Sample: The Internet Is A Useful Tool

📌Category: Internet
📌Words: 854
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 26 January 2022

On August 6th, 1991, the internet was officially live and running. Of course, it wasn’t used much, some people weren’t aware it was even a thing. Fast forward 30 years later and it is something that we are surrounded by and use daily. But some people notice that the internet has plenty of distractions and it adverts us to what is right in front of us. Kenneth Goldsmith reminds us that although some might spend time on the internet it doesn’t necessarily mean one is wasting time. I agree with the author when he implies the internet is a useful tool that allows us to explore new hobbies, communicating with others, and having resources become more accessible. 

The internet has allowed not only individual growth but growth as a community. Now we can learn new hobbies and putting our free time to good use. Even though it is through a screen there are YouTube videos on how to play the ukulele or a website that teaches you how to play chess. In the passage, Goldsmith mentions that while his friend and her family went on vacation, her daughter showed her videos of how to bedazzle shirts and making ripped punk leggings back in their hotel room. After a few videos in, the mother claimed that it was nice but that her daughter was spending time on YouTube instead of doing something else. To the daughter it wasn’t spending time because she was engaged and learning how to style articles of clothing to her liking. Many people ignore the fact that although the daughter was watching videos online, she was able to be involved with her interests, learning new ways to express herself through her clothing, and can interact with others with the same interest. Through the help of the internet, she was able to discover something she enjoys and be a part of a community. I do not consider this wasting time since the individual is expanding their knowledge on something they enjoy or are passionate about. Some people are trying to pinpoint teens for wasting time online on their devices when it could be done in person as well. For example, people spend time watching tv, sleeping in, reorganizing their room when they should be doing homework, procrastinating, etc. If people are concerned about others wasting time, they should be more focused of how people use their time instead of what they waste their time on. 

Now that people have delved into new hobbies, with the help of the internet it is much easier to find others with the same interests. Although others may say that the internet has made us more anti-social, I believe it hasn’t made us any less social with the resources that the internet has. As Goldsmith stated, “But when I see people with their devices, what I see is people communicating with one another…Watch someone’s face while they’re in the midst of a rapid-fire text message exchange: it’s full of emotion — anticipation, laughter, affect.”  Social media has allowed us to meet people all around the world and connect in a way that we couldn’t years ago. This doesn’t only apply to strangers but to family and friends who are long distance. It is now easier to connect with them whether it may be through Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Discord, WhatsApp, etc. With just a tap or click they can share a part of their life with us, and we could do the same. Sometimes this can be the only form of quality time some can spend with their family or friends due to distance or time restrictions. Which is a great way to see how the internet has impacted us as a society. It has allowed us to socialize anywhere and anytime. 

Social media and the internet have allowed us to communicate with others quickly and easier than before. This is something that we were not able to do 30 years ago which makes one realize how much technology has advanced and how we keep up alongside it. Now with the internet we can do tasks easier than before. Goldsmith brought to light as to how his wife was hooked on reading “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” on her iPad. By bringing this up we see how the internet has allowed us to have access to almost anything with a couple of taps as well as it being portable with easy access anywhere. It’s not only books but news, educational websites, booking flights, finding jobs, sending emails, etc. Technology has allowed us to do all these things in a matter of minutes instead of having to search by foot or driving to places in hopes the service has what you need. Instead of doing things the old-fashioned way we can do tasks faster, efficiently, and the ability to carry it in our pockets or bookbag. If anything, the internet helps us save time with using these kinds of resources. When used properly one can be more productive and get more tasks done than it would if one didn’t use the internet.

In conclusion, being on the internet isn’t necessarily a bad thing. One can improve or gain new skills, communicate with others, or have access to just about anything. Instead of limiting the time spent on the internet spend it wisely. With there being an ample amount of information online it can be easy to become distracted, but when one is taught how to use it correctly, staying on task will be easy.

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