Persuasive Letter To Employer: FedEx

📌Category: Life, Work
📌Words: 881
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 02 June 2022

In 2016, I started my journey with FedEx Freight and made my commitment to uphold the purple promise. I began my career with FedEx Freight as a part-time dock worker. After 3 years, I wanted more. I decided to pursue advancement in the company and with hard work and dedication, I began my career as a professional driver. For the past 3 years that I’ve been a driver, I have strived to uphold the values that Fed-Ex aligns with. Delivering results to continue excelling as a reputable and admirable company nationwide.

Unfortunately, I have recently been disqualified as a road driver due to 2 fatigue related incidents over the past 3 years. I understand how FedEx prioritizes the importance of health and safety, not only with its employees, but to the public as well. It is no surprise to me that FedEx is concerned with my ability to meet these fundamentals.

My first fatigue related accident was in January 2019. After this accident, neither Fed-Ex or the DOT deemed it necessary that I take a sleep test. Weight is a common factor in determining if a sleep test should be administered. At the time, I was 24, and in generally good shape, the doctor did not suspect that I would have had sleep apnea.

In June of 2021, I had my 2nd accident. After the accident I had to make it known to both FedEx and the DOT examiner that I really needed a sleep apnea test. I requested both FedEx and the DOT examiner that I needed this to be done. As you are aware, the results of my sleep study came back positive and I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. If DOT examiners and Fedex did not rely on weight and age as a determining factor of requiring a sleep study this medical condition would have been diagnosed sooner and may have prevented the second accident.

Although it is unfortunate that I had to get a diagnosis after these incidents, I now know the root of the problem. An undiagnosed medical condition. In the past, I always felt fatigued no matter how many hours I slept the night before. If you’re unfamiliar with sleep apnea, the disorder disrupts normal sleep cycles. To name a few; irritability, headaches and tiredness are common effects. Those affected, may always feel tired despite the number of hours asleep. Studies have been shown that patients with untreated sleep apnea were nearly 2.5 times more likely to be in an accident. There was no intentional negligence or carelessness on my part. I made sure I got a full night's rest before coming to work. At the time, I thought the best solution to combat my tiredness and making sure I delivered freight safely, was to nap at a truck stop until I felt rested enough to drive. This became an issue with management at KCY and WTK. Just a couple days prior to my accident, a member of management at WTK scolded me for resting. With that pressure from management, I would fight the fatigue to get the freight to the center as quickly and safely


 as possible. With these factors in mind, I feel disqualifying me as a road driver would be a major disservice.

Over the past 5 months, I have worked closely with various medical professionals to prevent such events from happening again. I have also met every requirement that FedEx has asked of me while I have been recovering. Since then, I was prescribed a CPAP machine. I am required not only by the DOT, but my doctor to use the machine to ensure that I am able to get an adequate amount of sleep. I have not been deemed as unsuitable to drive by the DOT or my doctors. My overall quality of life has improved. I have noticed an increase in alertness, have been more awake, focused, and no fatigue when utilizing my CPAP while sleep. Complying with treatment offers the best solution for my ability to do my job safely.

Throughout the past 6 years, I have gained a substantial amount of knowledge and applicable skills in the LTL industry. Considering these factors, it would be unjust, if FedEx decides to uphold the prior decision that has been made. The DOT examiner has required me to use the CPAP machine before acquiring a medical card to be able to operate a commercial vehicle again. It is mandatory that I use the CPAP because it is monitored regularly for usage of at least 4 hours a night on a 70% basis. If this is not met, I risk my medical card being revoked. After all of the time elapsed over the past 5 months, many requirements I had to meet, time out of work, and changes in my quality of life before being eligible for a review, it has saddened me to find out that disqualification was the committee's decision.

It is my sincere desire that you will allow me to return to my position as a Road Driver. Through my experience driving for the company I can say that there is no other company I would rather drive for. Over the 6 years I have invested, I can see the path of a career as a driver or more, as opportunities present themselves, because the sky's the limit with FedEx. There are numerous supervisors and fellow employees that I have encountered over the years who can attest to how passionate and ambitious I am in my work ethic. I have the confidence and assure that if the decision is overturned that I will strive to be a valuable asset, going above and beyond to make every FedEx experience outstanding.

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