Phoenix Jackson Character Analysis in A Worn Path Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Literature
đź“ŚWords: 490
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 11 April 2022

A Worn Path is an adventurous tale revealing the struggles that the main character, Phoenix Jackson has with life. The setting took place in December on a bright frozen day early in the morning as Pheonix had begun to take her long trip. She was very old and small reflecting her blue eyes with age. Although she was old and helpless, age didn’t stop her from facing the struggles and battles along the way to her destination. 

In the story, Phoenix states, “Something always takes a hold of me on this hill-pleads I should stay.” Is this not the same with life? Do we not come across times or place repeatedly and just have to close our eyes and take a breath? Just to take it in. It’s the only answer some of us take whenever we begin to get stressed or can’t grasp what had just happened a second ago. We all face these struggles that come to our life mostly whenever we deal with pressure or confusion, but Pheonix had it worse. She was an old small lady for crying out loud adding the final touch of her eyes blue with age. Blue symbolizes how blindness to the eye with anything doesn’t stop us from reaching our goal. We do this many times in sports, clubs, work, or even school. A good example of this detail is a stunt group. NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU TRY something always goes wrong. It can either be misplaced hands, not pulling up, or even a leg that is an inch higher than the other. Now although you can’t see through the eye what is going wrong, you still work hard to reach that goal to get it clean and in the air without a single mistake. Phoenix had this struggle with the different obstacles along her way, but that amount of love and passion to keep on going and not give up on her grandson is what held her head up. Do we not do the same every single time in our life? Think about it, I know everyone faces a major obstacle with an algebra equation but we keep on doing it because some may say “we have to” or well fail the class. True, but this time put yourself in Pheonix’s shoes. If she doesn't get to town to retrieve that medicine for her grandson, she will “fail” with his health. SPOILER ALERT is she does get him that medicine but before we congratulate Pheonix on saving the day, let’s reel back in and think. 

A Worn Path describes Pheonix Jackson’s goal and struggles with life. As humans, we all face these obstacles in life from reaching our destiny in life. Some may stop and fail but very few others may get through. You see Pheonix was old and had a disadvantage with health issues and exhaustion, but she still got through those obstacles. Was there something Pheonix had that we don’t? Could there be a passenger along the way to help? Or was it just that motivation to help her grandson from not dying, that not only pushed her harder but also made her stronger?

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