Pip in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Dickens, Great Expectations, Writers
📌Words: 621
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 20 April 2022

A man with the dust of coal smeared on his face stands on the edge of the churchyard as the horizon covers the sun. Rising both the sea of darkness and the vast ocean of the stars, that bring shadows to some and sleep to others, the man gets reminded of the capacity of wealth that he can not exceed. Now, this moment is one of the past, the man spends his days in the forge. He worked without a mummer to Joe, for it did not matter if it was Monday or Saturday as long as he was there not a word crawled out of his mouth. This is the life of Pip. He is a disillusioned boy who seeks refuge in harsh environments and unloving homes.  Throughout volume 1 of Great Expectations, the mental and physical strain of the heavy-handed environment around Pip and the meager capacity for love and egoism within the characters connect the first volume to the infernal realm. 

The heavy-handed environment that Mrs. Joe makes for both Joe and Pip, illustrates the connection withing the infernal to prey on innocence with selfishness and malice. First, Pip gives a weird description of “My sister's bringing up had made me sensitive,” underscoring the trauma that shaped his mindset. Pip states that Mrs. Joe had a “ habit of laying it upon [ Joe] as well as upon [Pip],” highlighting the actual abuse that he endured. The two descriptions of Mrs. Joe’s effects against Pip ,someone most people would consider to be kind,depict the malice towards the right and just and the abused for no reason. In the infernal realm, a character is cast down and disrespected even with no righteous reason. Second, Joe’s scared description that “she’s got Tickler with her,” illustrating the pain that they fear they will get when she has the Tickler. This emphasizing of the beating stick or the “Tickler” highlights the pain and distraught that the world around Pip brings even within his own family. Finally, Charles Dickens displayed the immorality of the story with the methodical name of “Tickler” for the hitting stick used to beat Pip. The name “Tickler” normally has a positive definition something initially related to having fun is used for hurtful practice. The naming of the stick and its use for constant abuse to Pip, Charles Dickens demonstrates the evil environment that surrounds Pip. 

The mental catastrophe of Pip's mind with the longing for spurious happiness shows the corruption of the world and the destruction of innocence. The destruction that not only leaves the victim broken beyond repair but also longing to be crippled again. First, [starting his first day of work -PrPP], Pip stays “quite as dejected,” suggesting the corrosion that Havisham left a hole within Pip. Second, Pip, who is now Joe’s apprentice[-AdjSC], “ feel[s] ashamed of home,” illustrating the destructive longing of the luxury that Havisham’s house had on Pip. Even though he enjoyed himself while he was over at Havisham, Pip highlights that even when something is appeasing in appearance the effects of having the so-called “good” distort the actual definition of the word. Finally, Pip used to see his home as “a very pleasant place,” but, with the destruction of his mentality, he “would not have had Miss Havisham and Estella see it on any account.” [While working under Joe-AdvSC], [Pip is left with a broken mindset-PaPP] this comment on his way of living displayed the beginning of a craving for more. 

In conclusion, Pip, [with his longing for wealth-AbP], creates a clear depiction of his distraught. The story of his hurt creates a straightforward connection between the infernal realm and the First Volume of Great Expectations. The infernal realm has innocence being preyed on. Charles Dickens illustrates this by the beating of Pip and the longing for an unhealthy relationship. Therefore, Volume 1 of Great Expectations creates an accurate representation of the Infernal realm of a Comedy in life itself; through the constant deprivation of the weak and the adulterating of the innocent.

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