Plastic Pollution Free Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Environment, Plastic, Pollution
đź“ŚWords: 247
đź“ŚPages: 1
đź“ŚPublished: 02 October 2022

Now a days, plastic can be found almost anywhere. It is now one of the most often utilized compounds. It may now be found everywhere, from stores to typical homes.  But no one  recognizes how damaging it is to our planet. To stop plastic pollution, we must first become aware of the effects.

Plastic pollution has an impact on everyone on the planet, including us, the wild, and aquatic life. It's like a contagious disease with no cure. This contaminates our drinking water. Tons of plastic are thrown into the ocean everyday. Because plastic does not breakdown, it lingers in the water, poisoning it. This means that in the future years, we could be without clean water. In addition, plastic pollutes the land we are living in. The soil is affected when humans dump plastic waste into landfills. It deteriorates the soil's fertility. Furthermore, many disease-carrying insects swarm in that area, resulting in severe infections.

This study offers a method for reducing plastic waste and turning it into eco-friendly and cost-effective hollow blocks that may be utilized to construct various projects. Because the plastic components will not decompose for hundreds of years, these blocks could be a big help in laying a solid foundation when building. With this undertaking, we'll be able to kill two birds with one stone. One, we will be able to develop develop a method of aiding in the mitigation of climate change, and two, we may be able to create a product that will encourage businesses and the construction industry to look for environmentally responsible opportunities when working with projects.

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