Poetry Comparison Essay Example

📌Category: Poems
📌Words: 450
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 January 2022

These poems have many similarities and differences. A common theme in these poems is war and events surrounding war. Each of these poems uses specific words and phrases that affect different aspects of the poems. After reading these poems, “The Black Regiment,” “The Charge of the Light Brigade,” “Dulce et Decorum Est,” and “The Song of the Mud” each use diction that grasped my attention.

In each of these four poems, the poets are describing the soldiers as brave. The conditions that the soldiers went through were quite rough, considering it is an actual war. For example, in “The Black Regiment,” this specific group of soldiers were on the harsh battlefield like everyone else, but on top of that, they were Black. There was already hate towards them from both sides. The war was being fought, in the first place, for their freedom. They were also fighting for their place in society because the side they were on believed that they would run from the fight, which they did not.

There are many similarities and differences between the poems in how the poets describe things. These poems are alike when it comes to describing war. It is described as something that is very violent and deathly, essentially something horrible and meaningless. However, in “The Black Regiment,” this battle and war, the Civil War, is essential. The war in “The Black Regiment” was a war for Freedom. Lines 21 through 25 say, ““Now,” the flag-sergeant cried, “Though death and hell betide, Let the whole nation see if we are fit to be free in this land; or bound…””

Wording plays an essential role in the effects of a poem. By using specific wording, it supports the point of view that it is trying to present. In “Dulce et Decorum Est” one of the lines states the phrase, “the old lie:Dulce et Decorum est,” which means it is sweet and honorable to die for one’s country. The effect of this diction shows that the statement is a lie, and this diction is implying that war and fighting in wars is basically pointless. Another example of diction is in “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” The poet uses the phrase “Into the jaws of Death, into the mouth of Hell.” In this particular line, the poet is using figurative language that is referring to the ambush, and/or the brigade’s destruction, that took place in the poem.

A common theme in these poems is war and events surrounding war. Each of these poems use specific words and phrases that affect different aspects of the poems. In each of these four poems, the poets are essentially describing the soldiers as brave. There are many similarities and differences between the poems in how the poets describe things. Wording plays an essential role in the effects of a poem. By using specific wording, it supports the point of view that it is trying to present.

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