Psycho Movie Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 805
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 24 August 2022

Alfred Hitchcock directed "Psycho" in 1960, it is considered a classic in the history of the horror genre. The film is regarded as one of the most influential in modern horror. Psycho has served as an inspiration for several horror films. Throughout the film, you can observe Hitchcock's distinctive techniques which help build tension and anxiety. Hitchcock's techniques include the type of music used in specific scenes and how he uses the camera. The influence Psycho has on the audience is discussed in Stephen Deutsch's article  "Psycho and The Orchestration of Anxiety." Its stunning soundtrack and images have inspired numerous scholars. Deutsch wants to demonstrate the impact of Psycho music and sound on the audience's emotions.

Deutsch's article begins by providing readers with further context regarding Hitchcock's creation of Psycho. Hitchcock experimented with Psycho to see if he could make it similar to a television show. He was also one of the first directors whose personality is shown in the films he made, which is fascinating. However, Hitchcock and his team found that working on Psycho was a challenging and complex project. As a result, he decided to invest his own money in the project and made an effort to make it cheap. The film was shot in monochrome rather than black and white because he was inspired by the movie Clouzot's Diabolique. When it came to sound, Hitchcock prioritized effect over creating fake reality.  He would have avoided using naturalism in preference for precise use of sound, which allowed him to intensify the viewer's emotional response to his films. For example, this was shown when Marion was hearing people’s voices while driving after she has stolen the money. Hitchcock has also used music to express emotions. However, when it comes to dialogue scenes it was either removed or significantly reduced. Discovering more about Hitchcock and how Psycho was developed will help understand how sound in the film influences emotion.

In films, music plays an important role in moods and emotions which have been used to show how the audience feels about the story and the characters. According to Deutsch, our emotional state affects how a person feels and thinks. Mood, on the other hand, is more of a state that influences our thoughts. In Psycho, the soundtrack influences the audience's feelings and thinking processes simultaneously. For example, horrifying music creates significant changes in one's pulse while worrying about what's going to happen to the character. Hitchcock was able to accomplish it because of his collaborator Bernard Herrmann. Herrmann was part of the first generation who abandoned the operatic technique in preference for the convergent genre. Herrmann's soundtrack for Psycho is made up of cellular components, allowing it to be arranged in various ways. This helped the orchestra in the film affect the mood of a scene. For example, The aggressive strings in the song that was playing during the shower scene made people feel terrified. Audiences connect with the characters' emotions and make this connection more apparent because of the music.

Deutsch analyses scenes from Psycho on how the music and sound can affect the audience's emotions. Music started to play in the scene where Marion is debating to steal the money.  The music in the scene helped the audience to connect with Marion and feel the same level of anxiety as her. Herrmann chose to use large strings in order to focus on the aspects of the instrument which draws Marion closer to the audience. Another scene is when Marion is driving with the stolen money and runs into her boss. The opening scene's music begins to play, intensifying the pressure and anxiety. The music makes the audience create questions such as if she will be caught or if she will return the money to the bank. Psycho's use of Herrmann's music gives the audience a chance to connect with the characters and better comprehend the scene.

The article helped me understand why Psycho is considered a classic in the horror genre. Deutsch's analysis taught me to understand how sounds and music can affect how someone's emotions. I was able to analyze the shower scene and determine how the music and sound affect the viewer thanks to the article. During the shower scene, Herrmann's choice of music was intense due to the shrieking strings being looped. The music helps build up fear and tension throughout the scene. What I found interesting is the fact that Hitchcock was able to simulate the sound of flesh being stabbed, making it seem even more horrifying. The violence in the scene is made more intense by the music and camera movement. The audience had a connection to Marion during the entire movie, they were devastated when the protagonist died unexpectedly. This stimulates fear and hatred towards Norman. As more characters engage with Norman, anxiety begins to surface when the music begins to play and if the others discover that he is a murderer. It's a critical component of the narrative and influences the audience's perception of the play. The film's sound and music are crucial in helping to represent the plot and create connections with the characters. Deutsch's article did an excellent job showing readers how much Psycho’s sound and music impact the movie industry.

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