Racism in To Kill a Mockingbird and The Help! Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Entertainment, Movies, To Kill a Mockingbird
📌Words: 388
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 August 2022

In Harper lees ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and Tate Taylor’s The Help!’ we can see the society which shows the incapacitated world of racism. The definition of Racism is “The unfair treatment of people of a particular race in society, especially to the benefit of people of another race”, In the text ‘The Help!’ racism is showcased through the eyes of a Black woman where in the text ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ it is shown through the eyes of the main character Scout who is a young white girl who watches the experiences of a young black man convicted for a crime he didn’t commit.

In my first paragraph, I will discuss how in both texts the way black people were always first to be blamed in any instance. In ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ this issue is shown through the trial of Tom Robinson, he was accused of the crime because he was seen where they accused him of abusing Mayella. We later found out that with an enormous amount of evidence proving that tom Robinson could not commit those crimes he was still convicted, not to mention how the people who decided the verdict were a jury of white men. White men in that time were racist so no matter how well he was represented he was never going to win.  

Still continuing in the text’s ‘The Help!’ we can see in particular scenes how when there is any problem the white families always blame the help, one of the main reasons the white families target the POC in this text is because somehow the idea that being white is “Superior’ to the other races, so when the character like ‘Hilly Holbrook’ snaps at the help she believes she has authority over, which in the civil rights movement time black people were only ever used as nothing more than slaves.

In my second paragraph, the talk about how casual racism is and how children back then were raised to believe that black people were riddled with diseases and should only be used not cared for like a human. In ‘The help!’ And ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ the use how racism is a normal day event for white people to act upon, Racial slurs in both of those generations were used in the vocabulary of white people such as how in “To Killa A mockingbird’ Atticus uses a racial slur with no one around him having a reaction which shows how common those words were thrown around.

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