Reducing the Carbon Footprint Essay Example

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment
📌Words: 730
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 06 February 2022

The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that to mitigate the effect of climate change, the change in Earth's surface temperature must not exceed 2°C. IPCC also estimates that Co2 concentration in the atmosphere must exceed 450 ppm to meet the 2°C goals of global warming or 430 ppm Ior 1.5°. However, the carbon dioxide emission is projected to reach 450 ppm by 2040. This sets the earth up for an extreme change that can adversely affect life on Earth.

Here is where we all come in, we have constantly through our activities fail the earth and now we have a shot at redemption. Be the hero the Earth's need at this time, to ensure our carbon dioxide emissions rate does not exceed the recommended goals by IPCC.

As individuals, our most important role in mitigating climate change is to reduce our carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions. Many of our daily activities - such as using electricity, driving a car, or disposing of waste - cause greenhouse gas emissions. By lowering your carbon footprint, you can help contribute to the overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In the fight against climate change, everyone making small changes can result in big results. It is not just about the environment either. Reducing your carbon footprint can also help you live a healthier lifestyle, as well as save you money. Whether it’s cleaner air, a healthier diet, or reduced energy bills, these benefits of reducing your carbon footprint also mean you’re doing your bit to combat climate change. 

Reducing carbon footprint includes a wide range of changes in our lifestyles, from diet to energy usage. 

Improve your diet

Animal products and processed food require a lot of lands, water and energy. They also generate methane, a greenhouse gas. To reduce your carbon footprint, eat more plant products and fewer animal products or processed food.

Energy Usage

Switch to the source of energy that is renewable like solar energy. Also conserve energy by making use of efficient electrical appliances, LED bulbs over red lights. Also, minor activities like switching off electrical appliances when they are not in use reduce energy consumption.

Eliminate Single-use plastics

Single-Use plastics, though convenient are one of the earth's polluters. They do not only pollute the earth, they require a lot of energy to produce and recycle. Stop using disposables, use materials that can easily be reused or recycled. Water bottle instead of bottled water.


The transportation industry is only behind the energy industry in emissions of greenhouse gases. As individuals, walk or cycle more (this will not only reduce your carbon footprint, it will keep your body fit). When travelling, make use of public transport, this reduces the number of vehicles at a time thereby reducing emissions. If you need to get a car, get a fuel-efficient car. Embrace virtual programs. The carbon footprint of flying is larger than any other mode of transport.  When you do fly, you should aim to reduce the number of stops on your route, ideally by flying directly to your destination. 

Offset your carbon emissions

This includes funding projects that are working towards fulfilling the climate action goal.

Demand for government actions

Companies are responsible for most emissions, demand that the government make policies that will make companies reduce their carbon emission.

I woke up in the middle of the night to bed soaked with sweat. “arghh, this heat again" I grumbled. I sat up wondering if we will ever be free from the worsening temperature, not even a shower can reduce the effect. Unable to sleep, I logged in to Twitter, I was greeted by gory images of wildfire, Hurricane floods destroying cities, taking lives and properties with them. As if that was not enough, my timeline was filled with complaints about how food is now a luxury. The hot temperature makes it hard for plants to grow and even when rain falls, it is too intense and ends up destroying the crops. I shook my head and remember how it all started “The end is near, we failed the earth" I said to myself.

That looks scary but it is what is going to happen to the Earth if we do not take action. It is projected that by 2030, the effects of climate change will be irreversible if actions are not taken. We may not have superpowers like the avengers but we can save the Earth and be the heroes the Earth needs. The world needs you and I to fight climate change. Take a pledge to fight climate change, have a lifestyle that will not hurt the earth. The Earth is crying out for help, be the Earth's hero.

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