Reflection Essay: Miracles Don't Happen

📌Category: Experience, Life, Myself
📌Words: 517
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 January 2022

Have you ever wished for a miracle? Well that's wishful thinking. In this cruel thing we call life there's no such thing as a miracle, that is my personal belief. In my very long life of 17 years I've wished for many miracles myself but sadly not once have I received a miracle. There were many situations that shaped my opinion today, 3 in particular that really cemented my belief. These 3 situations ranged from when I was young to my current age but nonetheless over the years I've come to realize miracles don't happen. 

The first situation that made me disbelief in miracles a lot  was once when i was 7 year old and my mom and I were in Florida to go toa theme park, on this day a heavy rain came over so me and my mom had to stay in the hotel and couldn't go to the theme park.On that very day I wished for a miracle that it would stop raining, but sadly it rained all day. It was that day when I first started to question if miracles were real or not. Sadly this was only the beginning, there would be many more times where a miracle would fail to come true, but the second instance in which I really started to disbelieve happened when I was 11. 

Me and my dad we're driving down south to visit my family in Mexico and it was then when I received the best news ever. My dad had just finished telling me that there was my favorite restaurant about 20 miles away and if we made it before 8pm he would bug me something,and if we didn't he wouldn't get me anything.  About 5 minutes later we ran into some long traffic. I was hoping, begging for a miracle, that we would make it on time, in fact I was so busy hoping for a miracle that I failed to realize it was already 10 pm. I was devastated as my father drove by the fast food restaurant known,but sadly there was nothing I could do.  Even after those traumatic events I still held onto the littlest belief that a miracle did happen, but that little belief I had was shattered when I was 15 years old.  

There I was 14 year old Luis, about to turn 15 in a few minutes. I was excited because it was my birthday and that meant I would get to see my father because  I lived with my mom. Then it happened I turned 15 but since it was midnight I still had to wait till sunrise to see my father, I could hardly sleep that day. When I woke up I got a call from my father telling me that he would arrive in an hour to pick me up, next thing I know an hour went by then 2 then 4 and then the day had passed and i was worried about my dad.I tried calling him but he never picked up, and the next timeI heard from him was the next day. He told me that he wouldn't be able to pick me up because there was an accident and he couldn't make it. I knew from then on never to wish for a miracle.

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